| | |
OCL subscription module | | |
Condition List | | |
Web Framework | | focusing on advancing REST web services tickets around REST should be the priority if people are looking for tickets to work on need to schedule a design call for ranking REST tickets need to go through all OpenMRS REST tickets
Vertical Packaging | | |
Admin Functions | | Basic Admin UI sprint starts today no one came to the sprint kick-off meeting believe there are issues with time zone issues, so might help to send out messages right before so people know their happening Wyclif will reach out to those community members who are interested and see if they still want to participate and see if there are communication reasons they were unable to be at the kickoff meeting
Basic Order Entry | | |
Support Maria DB | | |
Underlying Technologies | | |
Release Managers | | Volunteers OpenMRS 2.3: Manika Maheshwari & Tharunya Pati Volunteers Platform 2.0: Mayank Sharma
will do a last call for release managers and then determine who that is on next weeks PM call
Measurement | | need to have metric of the work happening in the community (ie. platform, overall, etc.) wondering what happened to tickets in the last week? would like to vet tickets for people to get started on need process for what makes a JIRA ticket a priority need to investigate metrics from JIRA that would be usable use REST web services as our first list of tickets and then go from there what metric would give you a good idea for measuring community help?