2015-11-09 Project Management Meeting


Nov 9, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Mayank Sharma


Discussion items







Community Development Status

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Need to use this to get high level tickets out there for community members

  • TODOS:

    • put this link into process for new developers

    • rename the page so it is easier to find

    • change filters on community development status current priorities

    • change the order of rank

    • will need to talk about process


@Shruthi Dipali

  • Talk topic to be posted about the 1.12 release



  • 2-3 more days for legacy UI

  • 25 tickets in trunk ready for work - need to be closed before alpha

  • REST web services 22 tickets that are new feature that need to be ready for test before alpha release

  • Talk topic from Wyclif will be posted around legacy UI for the work that needs to be done this week

  • Daniel will do remaining work on deprecated methods this week - 1 days work

  • Darius suggests cutting trunk tickets down dramatically - take out nice to haves. Also do not need to fix all things in module

  • Need to create a ticket for items in rest web services to match API - largely synced up at 1.10. Darius did this.

  • New strategic target to release alpha is the end of the month - have for Singapore Summit

  • Once the list of tickets is cut down we will have a sprint on them

cont..Community Development Status


  • channels people ask what they should contribute to - talk, email

  • OpenMRS guides program active? Yes. may need to be updated.

  • suggest sending out a survey

  • ask @Michael Downey and community team for some pathway analytics

  • could make it a task for the person in community development swim lane to take on updating community development status

  • "community development status" page should be a landing page for here are tickets and here is who you can talk to

  • change filter to exclude those that are in progress on code review

  • suggest a contribute.opemrs.org or something like that for one page that we can point to from talk and other tools.

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will follow up with @Darius Jazayeri on clean up tasks for Community Development Status wiki page so we can have meaningful reviews on weekly PM calls
@Shruthi Dipali will post a topic on Talk for 1.12
@Mayank Sharma and @Daniel Kayiwa will work on cutting down outstanding trunk tickets for 2.0 to have the most important and not just the nice to haves.
@Mayank Sharma will create a topic topic to get a volunteer to help clean up items in REST web services to match API, which was largely synced at 1.10 - 
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@Jamie Thomas will ask @Michael Downey for some pathway analytics related to developer contribution. When people come on board what are the common pathways?