2015-01-12 Project Management Meeting


Jan 12, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri


  • Get tickets for the Registration sprint picked up

Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • work happening there, but no new updates

Release Platform 1.11


  • @Burke Mamlin still needs to email community about plan for a full release for 1.11

OpenMRS 2.1.1



Drug Lookup for Allergy release


  • Andy still wants to work with 1.6

  • Rafal is working on

    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    , depends on
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

OpenMRS 2.2



Maximize UI Convergence


  • Talk to KenyaEMR at Maputo in January.

Condition List


  • Emerson and Vinay Venu will be at Maputo so need to make time to discuss condition list at OMRS15.

Basic Order Entry


  • was a topic on today's design call - http://notes.openmrs.org/Design-Forum-2015-01-12

  • get iTECH to clarify HL7 and the requirment there for them

  • will need to create a mock up for people to look at and react to

  • 21-Jan see what we need to put together for the mock up

Integrating Multiple Servers


  • Scheduled for 14-Jan design call..



  • sprint kick off meeting was on Friday 8-Jan

  • @Wyclif Luyima to email SolDevelo and dev list to see if we can get some tickets picked up

  • @raff and @Daniel Kayiwa have also offered to help with the sprint

Appointment Scheduling


  • Had showcase on 8-Jan

  • Next step is to get exsisting module into tp get running in OpenMRS reference application (Need to assign dev)

  • Bahmni team plans to integrate into application by Maputo.

Program-based Workflow 


  • Will revisit in Maputo.

REST Web Service Enhancements


  • Will depend on Bahmni priorities.

Migration Strategy


  • Will prioritize when we know what is in 2.2.

CIEL Dictionary


  • Still pending OCL/CIEL Subscription module.

Engaging Business Analysts


  • @Burke Mamlin will reach out to Audrey, Shasha, and David to see how things are going, do they have all the tools they need, are they ready to start teeing up the next activities (ie. coordinating order entry mockups?)

SolDevelo Volunteering


  • @Burke Mamlin has suggested activities like helping out with exsisting technical roadmap, help specifc implemenation, and functionality wish list requests.

  • Łukasz Rusak is PM for SolDevelo. Areas of expertise: Business Intelligence I Decision support systems | Business analysis | Project management | Application development | Analytics | Data integration | Team building

  • Priorities to help with administrative UI, order entry once it has a clearer path, 2.2 registration or appointment scheduling

Action items

@Burke Mamlin will start a Talk message about planning for a full release 1.11 then email the community
@Wyclif Luyima to email SolDevelo and dev list to see if we can get some tickets picked up
@Burke Mamlin will reach out to Audrey, Shasha, and David to see how things are going, do they have all the tools they need, are they ready to start teeing up the next activities (ie. coordinating order entry mockups?)