Drug Look Up - @Wyclif Luyima (taking on ) create list of concepts to send to Andy then Wyclif will finish up this week 16 March
OpenMRS 2.2 is now running on top of 1.11. URL is not working and is a blocker
Condition list in code review. Darius has releasd emrapi and there is some code in there but condition list will not be part of OpenMRS 2.2 as not all code is complete. Three tickets still in progress
Registration - would like to get done by 2.2 release if possible. If not, then it will be in 2.2.1.
Appointment Scheduling - David tested and is now running on top of 1.11.1. OpenMRS reference demo data has example demo types.
Chart Search appears to be working well. Would like to try and verify performance implications since there were changes made to the class loader? Daniel will try to explain changes made over email.
Migration Strategy @Wyclif Luyima will work on migration strategy after appointment scheduling. Initial goal is to enumerate any potential challenges going from OpenMRS 1.9 to 2.2.