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OCL subscription module | @Rafal Korytkowski | Burke sent out a note to Andy Kanter, Jonathan Payne, Rafal and Steven Wanyee to see where we stand (responses below) API functionality is live work happening on issues with the data import script can use OCL on the production server (www.openconceptlab.org) - only has a subset of the CIEL dictionary live right now full dictionary should be live any day now Jonathan will begin testing with Rafal and the KenyaEMR team shortly after Rafal says the module has not been updated to use the changed API for querying a full export., so not ready for live testing
2.3 | | Jamie posted to the implementers on 23 April about 2.3 planning dev forum and will send out a reminder Want to assign "champions" to help support features. Note necessarily to do the work but to make sure things are moving forward. Jamie asked for community volunteers on 1 May for MariaDB and will send out a reminder Web Framework on 6 May design call Vertical Packaging on 18 May Design Call? @Wyclif Luyima will champion Administration Functions to get the community involved in mock ups (relates to GSoC 2014) Basic order entry, will be taking some of the real-time order entry work from the Ebola project to move this forward. On 13 May design call?
Platform | | Features Java 8 support - Wyclif overseeing the Java 8 process and inviting devs to get involved Upgrade Underlying Technologies - Rafal good contact for Spring and Hibernate FHIR Support - Suranga to champion Remove Legacy UI - Burke to champion (GSoC project)
GSoC | | |