2015-10-26 Project Management Meeting


Oct 26, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Mayank Sharma


Discussion items







Reference Application 2.3

@Tharunya Pati

  • test module will be released today

  • Wyclif believes the 2.3 release will happen today

Platform 1.12

@Shruthi Dipali

  • Darius, Burke, Shruthi and Sathyan are trying to schedule a time to talk/Q&A about the release.

Platform 2.0

@Mayank Sharma

  • managed to get 8 devs working on issues fo the Legacy UI module

  • Daniel will provide support this week since Wyclif will be at OMRS Camp

  • Will try to get tickets done this week but with OMRS Camp it may need to push into next week

  • Mayank wants to get more devs on this, has been posting on Talk but not getting a lot of feedback.

  • Mayank believes that there is a lack of communication to devs on what they can work on, a place to post items

  • make a post everyday on talk and twitter on what can be worked on

  • testing on Legacy UI is set for next week

  • alpha release is still set for mid-November

  • remove deprecated methods - 90% done daniel did merge and wyclif reviewed - Daniel finishing up this week



Action items

@Daniel Kayiwa will provide support foe the Legacy UI module issues this week while Wyclif is at OpenMRS Camp
@Mayank Sharma will post on Talk (globally pin) and Twitter  a "CALL TO ACTION" for more developer assistance on the Legacy UI issues - https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=83