2015-06-15 Project Management Meeting

2015-06-15 Project Management Meeting


Jun 15, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Émerson Hernandez

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • David DeSimone

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • Need to see where @raff and @Nicholas Ingosi are on moving this forward. Are there JIRA tickets they are working on?

Condition List

@Émerson Hernandez

  • design forum today will be talking w/ Bahmni BA (Saranya) about use cases and requirements

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

  • 17 June will look at how to make REST services more robust

Vertical Packaging

@Burke Mamlin

  • First step will be to add ability to map metadata, 22 June design forum

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

  • will look at how to make REST services more robust on Wednesday's design forum and look at Bahmni's work later on

Support for MariaDB


  • need to figure out how we want to proceed with getting CI set up

  • dev5's can help with CI when we identify specific tasks

Java 8 support

@Wyclif Luyima

  • older versions of OpenMRS failing if running Java 8

  • Java 8 can run Java 6 code but can not build

  • need to send out a broad message to the community about the need to update systems to Java 8 so they can prepare for platform release later in the year

  • Wyclif would like to get some unit testing to make sure nothing is failing

  • will send a communication to the community encouraging them to update production machines to Java 8 after testing is complete

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • discussed the state of a what a module owner needs to do on dev forum and need to document the situation on a wiki page - Rafal or Kris?

FHIR Support

@Suranga Kasthurirathne

  • basing on 1.10 support for now

Remove Legacy UI

@Burke Mamlin

  • GSoC project

  • in master there is no UI anymore

  • need to discuss roadmap for platform changes 2.0 - dev forum discussion


David DeSimone

@Émerson Hernandez


  • Ellen Ball is in West Africa doing check in for clinic in Liberia, also visiting Sierra Leone


  • still working on relationships (separate clinical vs. personal) and gender (supporting other than M/F)

  • will be talking about condition list on today's design call

  • programs ( setup programs like diabetes or TB and enroll patients) being built on top of OpenMRS existing code

  • still working on PACS integration features

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will follow with Rafal and Nicholas on where we stand on OCL subscription module.
@Burke Mamlin will create/revive a discussion on OpenMRS Talk around metadata mapping to help prepare for our design forum discussion on 22 June.
@Wyclif Luyima will send a communication to the community encouraging people to assist with unit testing so they can  update production machines to Java 8
@Jamie Thomas will reach out to Rafal to coordinate the development of a wiki page around how module owners will need to work across hibernate.
@Jamie Thomas will work to schedule developers forum on "Do we need a 1.12 vs/or 2.0 for the platform?" (possibly this Thursday)