2015-07-06 Project Management Meeting


Jul 6, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Émerson Hernandez

  • David Desimone

  • @Darius Jazayeri

Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • Have issues been created? Does Nicholas have time to help? - Jamie emailed Rafal for an update.

Condition List

@Émerson Hernandez

  • Revisit in 2 weeks

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

  • Jamie emailed Darius and Burke about action plan for REST, trying to find time when they can discuss

Vertical Packaging

@Burke Mamlin

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

  • Talked on 1 July design call last week.

  • Wyclif adding better user stories and acceptance criteria for the admin UI sprint tickets 6 July

  • Wyclif will send out email to ask for volunteers to take part in the admin UI sprint 6 July

  • Sprint to start 13 July

Support for MariaDB


  • Burke to follow up with Cintia

Java 8 support

@Wyclif Luyima

  • No effort has been put into platform strategy and timing

  • Wyclif says can not build up 1.11 and 1.10 branches on Java 8 - hopes to have it taken care of this by 8 July

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • Rafal was going to reach out to Kris about assisting w/ Hibernate upgrade - Jamie emailed Rafal for an update.

Volunteer Release Managers

@Jamie Thomas

  • Jamie has drafted request for volunteers for the release and platform manager, waiting to hear back from Burke.

Distribution Updates


  • PIH

    • David working on planning out the next two months. Syncing up content with current implementations to better harmonize concepts and content

    • OpenMRS testing for mobile applications for distributions like Mirabalis

  • Bahmni

    • working on decision support in the next couple weeks

    • implementation work to make pipelines better and more usable

  • Darius

    • there is a potential joint PIH, MSF & IRD project using Bahmni to do TB work

Design Call Open Times


  • Darius suggests inviting GSoC students to get feedback on design forums from Wyclif and Daniel

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will invite GSoC students to get feedback on design forums from Wyclif and Daniel
@Wyclif Luyima adding better user stories and acceptance criteria for the admin UI sprint tickets 6 July
@Wyclif Luyima will send out email to ask for volunteers to take part in the admin UI sprint 6 July