2015-03-02 Project Management Meeting


Mar 02, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


  • Go through open items for 2.2 (release March 31st, 2015)

Discussion items







OCL-CIEL module

Rafal Korytkowski

  • OCL server should be ready today (3/2)

  • Rafal & Nicholas to work on module this week.

Drug Lookup for Allergy release

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • we were blocked on deciding what is needed to allow CIEL to indicate preferred names. Need to follow up with Burke and possibly Andy.

OpenMRS 2.2


  • Would like to have OpenMRS 2.2 showcase on the 3/5 dev call. Showcase; Register, Chart Search, Condition List, Is it ready what more needs to be done?

  • Wyclif to spike on installing new Appointment module into ref app. Will decide on 3/5 if he has anything for the dev call showcase.

OpenMRS 2.2 Release Management

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • https://talk.openmrs.org/t/openmrs-2-2-release-management/1247

  • Maurya and Darius walked through the list of modules (in above link) that may or may not need to be in a release ready state by 15 March 2015 (giving people 10 days for testing)

  • Darius will be sending an email to follow up with developers on modules they are "assigned" to to find out if they are ready for release for 2.2

  • Darius is owning reporting rest module release

  • Maurya will release idgen and formentryapp module

  • Mike Seaton will release htmlwidget, reporting, and namephonetics

  • Maurya will reorganize his list to better divide up what modules are done and which are still in progress

Action items

@Darius Jazayeri will host the OpenMRS 2.2 showcase on the 3/5 dev call. Would like to showcase; Register, Chart Search, Condition List
@Sri Maurya Kummamuru will follow up with @raff to get release of event module.
@Darius Jazayeri will send an email to developers "assigned" to modules from Maurya's 2.2 release management talk chat list on whether they are ready for the 2.2 release.