A manual for the Concept Search features can be found here: Advanced Concept Search Manual.
Install Guide
The Concept Search Module can be downloaded here: Concept Search Module
This module was created in the course of Google Summer of Code 2010. You can find the idea page here: Project Page.
Release Notes
- 0.2
- Resolved tickets:
- GSOC-15 (Allow user to sort the search results)
- GSOC-34 (added JQuery's autocomplete function)
- GSOC-37 (On initial advanced search page, the footer doesn't stick)
- GSOC-39
- fix display of message bundles
- UI: use the same style for basic search and advanced search result list
- UI: use CSS definitions ex. class="evenRow" instead of bgcolor="#f5f5f5"
- UI: improve paging 1) max .10 links 2) current page link should be disabled
- UI: "View Link" in the result list is obsolete
- authorisation
- Resolved tickets: