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- Jeremy Keiper
- Sy Haas
- Wyclif Luyima
- Nyoman Ribeka
- Ben Wolfe
- Darius Jazayeri
Tickets to review
- archive:TRAC-818@ticket (syhaas) Active lists
- archive:TRAC-260@ticket (tks423) Form Auditing
- archive:TRAC-2401@ticket (wyclif) Apostrophe screwing things up
Ticket 818
- get Burke to sign off on the fact that ActiveList is a joined subclass within the ActiveListItem.hbm.xml file
- the hierarchy is done within a single hibernate file
- table fixes
- tinyint h1. > smallint
- uuid> char(38)
- add foreign keys
- change allergen to allergy
- should extend BaseOpenmrsData
- switch from using retired to voided
- create a constructor that takes an Integer
- create a convenience constructor that takes parameters for all properties
- should use a not-null constraint for the start_date
- add a description to stopObs
- add hashCode method
- add convenience constructor
- add equals and hashCode methods
- figure out the exact meaning of "ACTIVE, RESOLVED, RULE_OUT" statuses and write javadocs for them
- rename to
- add equals method
- switch allergyType to enum and fix getters/setters
- rename to
- add getProblemByUuid()
- add privileges and privilege checks
- similar to obs
- separate for problems and allergies
- move get/save logic to PatientService
- move methods to DWRPatientService
- if PatientService delegates to ActiveListService, then it's fine to leave the tests here
- move executeDataSet to @Before method
- UI
- reorder table and form to match (i.e. put Type first in table)
- fix allergen vs reaction; allergen = what you are allergic to, reaction = symptom
- date should not be hidden by default
- better descriptions for the options on resolving an allergy
- ask the paradox what "other" means when resolving a problem
Ticket 260
Ticket 2401
- change name of attribute to javaScriptEscape, similar to spring nomenclature (i.e. urlEscape, htmlEscape)
- apply the escaping to the entire string buffer instead of just personName
- fix the description in the TLD file (not wildcard)