OpenMRS Interoperability and Integration Updates

Focus on OpenMRS interoperability & integrations at facility-level

Mondays at 9 AM EST, 4 PM EAT - Link:

Represented organizations: UCSF, UgandaEMR, Palladium, Mekom, MSF/Madiro

Examples: Laboratory, billing, stock management, etc.


  • Share knowledge and use cases about data exchange use cases

  • Align on practices, tools, and architectures


  • Map ecosystem of existing solutions and challenges to address them as a group

  • Framework for integration

  • Sets of routes

  • Documentation about how to integrate OpenMRS with other health systems

Calls and notes

Wei (UCL), Siddharth, Romain, Eudson, Michael

  • LIMS integration

  • Deployment of

    • Done, needs to fix the app switcher config.

      • @Emmanuel Nyachoke to fix it this week.

    • Demoed at the conference multiple times.

  • Stock & Price visible in O3 upon ordering.

    • openmrs-module-fhirproxy is now done.

    • fhir-odoo API is now done.

    • Need to implement the FHIR endpoints in Billing & Inventory OpenMRS modules. @Amos Laboso to reach out to Mekom regarding coding those FHIR endpoints.

    • UI implementation is happening ( @Usama Idriss Kakumba assigned to ).

  • Ozone Analytics

    • Ozone Analytics is now open source:

  • LIMS integration

    • OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.

    • Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.

    • Enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option currently in progress (PR in review and a bug reported)

  • Deployment of

    • Work necessary in Ozone to build bundled Docker images is now done and currently being deployed (on the Ozone side).

    • Deployment of OpenMRS Distro HIS should be done through a Bamboo job - done by today or tomorrow.

  • FHIR API for Odoo

    • Proposed architecture:

    ERP FHIR facade (1).jpg
    • Work has started.

      • Odoo Java Client: we will be using the Odoo Java API project as a Java client for Odoo XML RPC API → is not necessary anymore.

      • OpenMRS module FHIR Proxy work is started. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.

      • HAPI FHIR server work started today. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.

  • MambaETL

  • Ozone Analytics

    • Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.

  • LIMS integration

    • OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.

    • Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.

    • Will enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option for now.

  • Deployment of

    • Delayed few days: init. estimate on end of last week. Looking at mid this week now. (technical work is done so that child distributions can build those Docker-embedded images).

    • Unable to reach out to Rafal. Scott has not answered regarding if a Bamboo job already exists or not.

  • FHIR API for Odoo

    • Proposed architecture:

    • ERP FHIR facade (1).jpg
    • Work has started.

  • MambaETL

    • Technical architecture call on Thursday

      • Simplicity of deployment (OMODs and/or SQL script)

      • Ability to dynamically flatten encounters and transpose questions as columns

      • Concerns over:

        • Change Data Capture done through monitoring some specific database fields (date_changed, date_voided…) instead of default mechanisms (binlog…)

        • Performance concerns (due to a lot of indexing) for 10M records databases.

        • Little to no testing.

  • Ozone Analytics

    • Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.

  • OEG integration

    • Project updates shared by Suruchi: integration work is being delayed (+1 week already) by low responsiveness from OEG devs. Attempting to setup weekly calls.

    • Eudson advises to not implement any workaround and rather wait for OEG folks to answer.

  • Deployment of

    • Development work needed to deploy embedded distro Docker images is well advanced. Est. done by mid-week.

    • Then reaching out to Rafal in OpenMRS community to deploy via Bamboo.

    • Q: @Emmanuel Nyachoke where to deploy the OpenMRS Distro HIS-embedded Docker images?

  • FHIR API for ERPNext (or Odoo)

    • From Slack message Odoo might be a better fit for the default ERP system in Ozone and OpenMRS distro HIS.

    • Work needed to have ERPNext expose a FHIR API still needs to be documented as an example. Current work could be pushed and documented so to be picked up and resumed by other group.

    • ChargeItemDefinition and InventoryItem exposed in Billing & Pharmacy modules needs to start. Mekom will provide guidance. Need to use the library.

  • MambaETL + Oz Analytics

    • Plan a call this week between UCSF and Mekom to look at Mamba ETL in terms of incremental updates.

  • DHIS2 / DHIS Tracker integration:

    • Integration with Tracker. Advises to look at the Ethiori REDCap integration.

    • Integration DHIS2 (analytics). Advises to look at the Ozone Analytics when integrated data analytics.

Links and references
