OpenMRS Interoperability and Integration Updates
Gilbert Muthee
Romain Buisson
Michael Bontyes
suruchi dhungana
Focus on OpenMRS interoperability & integrations at facility-level
Mondays at 9 AM EST, 4 PM EAT - Link:
Represented organizations: UCSF, UgandaEMR, Palladium, Mekom, MSF/Madiro
Examples: Laboratory, billing, stock management, etc.
Share knowledge and use cases about data exchange use cases
Align on practices, tools, and architectures
Map ecosystem of existing solutions and challenges to address them as a group
Framework for integration
Sets of routes
Documentation about how to integrate OpenMRS with other health systems
Calls and notes
Call cancelled, low attendance
Wei (UCL), Siddharth, Romain, Eudson, Michael
Orthanc integration
Order made in OpenMRS (radiology order planned in next 2 months) to be sent to Orthanc
Periodic sync from Orthanc to OpenMRS
Orthanc ID to be added to OpenMRS for mapping
How to map/merge patients coming from Orthanc to OpenMRS ID? → For now, direct 1:1 mapping between the 2 systems (No CR)
SSO for login and privilege integration - Orthanc authentication Documentation and repo
Link to patient/study in Orthanc in OpenMRS patient file
Later on, we can imagine a preview or iframe in OpenMRS with imagery
Add EIP-OpenMRS-Orthanc routes in Ozone repo (new repo created: )
Wei (UCL), Siddharth, Romain, Eudson, Michael
Orthanc integration
Order made in OpenMRS (radiology order planned in next 2 months) to be sent to Orthanc
Periodic sync from Orthanc to OpenMRS
Orthanc ID to be added to OpenMRS for mapping
How to map/merge patients coming from Orthanc to OpenMRS ID? → For now, direct 1:1 mapping between the 2 systems (No CR)
SSO for login and privilege integration - Orthanc authentication Documentation and repo
Link to patient/study in Orthanc in OpenMRS patient file
Later on, we can imagine a preview or iframe in OpenMRS with imagery
Add EIP-OpenMRS-Orthanc routes in Ozone repo (new repo created: )
Deployment of
Done, needs to fix the app switcher config. Fixing in progress.
Update on the README to point to direct access to apps by URL.
Enable SSO.
Enable Ozone Analytics
Stock & Price visible in O3 upon ordering.
is now done.fhir-odoo
API is now done.Need to implement the FHIR endpoints in Billing & Inventory OpenMRS modules. @Amos Laboso to reach out to Mekom regarding coding those FHIR endpoints.
UI implementation is happening ( @Usama Idriss Kakumba assigned to ).
Testing currently in progress: finding some issues: initial development of OpenMRS module FHIR proxy done against
and appears not compatible with2.6.x
, currently being looked at.
LIMS integration
SENAITE enabled as the default LIMS option in OpenMRS distro HIS
OEG integration still halted. Progress pushed to and documented on
Deployment of
Done, needs to fix the app switcher config.
@Emmanuel Nyachoke to fix it this week.
Demoed at the conference multiple times.
Stock & Price visible in O3 upon ordering.
is now done.fhir-odoo
API is now done.Need to implement the FHIR endpoints in Billing & Inventory OpenMRS modules. @Amos Laboso to reach out to Mekom regarding coding those FHIR endpoints.
UI implementation is happening ( @Usama Idriss Kakumba assigned to ).
Ozone Analytics
Ozone Analytics is now open source:
LIMS integration
OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.
Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.
Enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option currently in progress (PR in review and a bug reported)
Deployment of
Work necessary in Ozone to build bundled Docker images is now done and currently being deployed (on the Ozone side).
Deployment of OpenMRS Distro HIS should be done through a Bamboo job - done by today or tomorrow.
FHIR API for Odoo
Proposed architecture:
Work has started.
Odoo Java Client: we will be using the Odoo Java API project as a Java client for Odoo XML RPC API → is not necessary anymore.
OpenMRS module FHIR Proxy work is started. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.
HAPI FHIR server work started today. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.
Ozone Analytics
Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.
LIMS integration
OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.
Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.
Will enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option for now.
Deployment of
Delayed few days: init. estimate on end of last week. Looking at mid this week now. (technical work is done so that child distributions can build those Docker-embedded images).
Unable to reach out to Rafal. Scott has not answered regarding if a Bamboo job already exists or not.
FHIR API for Odoo
Technical architecture call on Thursday
Simplicity of deployment (OMODs and/or SQL script)
Ability to dynamically flatten encounters and transpose questions as columns
Concerns over:
Change Data Capture done through monitoring some specific database fields (
…) instead of default mechanisms (binlog…)Performance concerns (due to a lot of indexing) for 10M records databases.
Little to no testing.
Ozone Analytics
Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.
OEG integration
Project updates shared by Suruchi: integration work is being delayed (+1 week already) by low responsiveness from OEG devs. Attempting to setup weekly calls.
Eudson advises to not implement any workaround and rather wait for OEG folks to answer.
Deployment of
Development work needed to deploy embedded distro Docker images is well advanced. Est. done by mid-week.
Then reaching out to Rafal in OpenMRS community to deploy via Bamboo.
Q: @Emmanuel Nyachoke where to deploy the OpenMRS Distro HIS-embedded Docker images?
FHIR API for ERPNext (or Odoo)
From Slack message Odoo might be a better fit for the default ERP system in Ozone and OpenMRS distro HIS.
Work needed to have ERPNext expose a FHIR API still needs to be documented as an example. Current work could be pushed and documented so to be picked up and resumed by other group.
exposed in Billing & Pharmacy modules needs to start. Mekom will provide guidance. Need to use the library.
MambaETL + Oz Analytics
Plan a call this week between UCSF and Mekom to look at Mamba ETL in terms of incremental updates.
DHIS2 / DHIS Tracker integration:
Integration with Tracker. Advises to look at the Ethiori REDCap integration.
Integration DHIS2 (analytics). Advises to look at the Ozone Analytics when integrated data analytics.
OEG integration:
OpenMRS patient and Lab test order is synced in OpenELIS
Results from OpenELIS are synced in OpenMRS
Modification of lab order cancels the existing lab order in OpenELIS and creates a new lab order
Discontinue lab order in OpenMRS cancels the Incoming Order in OpenELIS
Deployment of
In progress: 2 PRs:
Work halted this week due to vacations. Will resume next week.
Architecture still in progress. Leaning towards running HAPI FHIR to transform and expose FHIR objects from the ERPNext database.
Architecture will be defined this week and implementation started the week after.
Analytics in OpenMRS Distro HIS: Ozone Analytics + Mamba ETL
3 tickets to be worked on:
Planned a demo session of Mamba ETL w/ support of incremental changes lead by UCSF. (to be scheduled to next week)
OEG integration in progress:
Notion board:
Automated configuration w/ OEG only supported w/ Liquibase.
Unblocked to create Patients visible in new UI.
Mid-next week first delivery. Identify exactly what will be demoed by this time. @suruchi dhungana to update.
Deployment of server:
Will be looked at tomorrow.
FHIR specs for ERP Processes completed. Link:
Designs for Price + Stock upon ordering will be added in Zeplin today.
Need some architecture call with Wyclif regarding exposing the FHIR API of the ERP (and authenticating to it)
SSO: Should be configurable to be enabled by implementers.
Custom systems integration:
Ethiori being integrated with a custom LIMS. → good progress done in Ethiori hackathon.
Used as an example to add more integrations.
Enabling SENAITE in OpenMRS distro HIS:
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke starting evaluation of SENAITE integration.
Patients are synced
Lab orders not tested as unable create orders with admin users. Reached out on the #ozone channel.
Mekom reported some issues with the Lab order basket (unable to revise order).
DHIS2 integration by @Michael Bontyes . Interested in looking UgandaEMR existing DHIS2 integration.
MSF scope: Initialize a new OpenMRS instance with DHIS2 patients (w/ DHIS2 ID + demographics)
Using OpenFn to send the new patients and data points.
Business logic available on GitHub.
Analytics in OpenMRS Distro HIS: Ozone Analytics + Mamba ETL
3 tickets to be worked on:
Planned a demo session of Mamba ETL w/ support of incremental changes lead by UCSF. (to be scheduled to next week)
OEG integration in progress:
Notion board:
EDD mid/end-aug
Deployment of server:
Will be looked at next week.
FHIR specs for ERP Processes completed. Link:
Designs for Price + Stock upon ordering will be added in Zeplin today.
Need some architecture call with Brandon regarding the ability for O3 to query multiple backends.
Need some architecture call with Wyclif regarding exposing the FHIR API of the ERP (and authenticating to it)
Custom systems integration:
Ethiori being integrated with a custom LIMS.
Used as an example to add more integrations.
The week after next, prepare a demo/call to run through the Ethiori LIMS integration compared to say, SENAITE integration).
Enabling SENAITE in OpenMRS distro HIS:
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke starting evaluation of SENAITE integration. Will provide more updates on #ozone channel by EOD.
DHIS2 integration by @Michael Bontyes . Interested in looking UgandaEMR existing DHIS2 integration.
Analytics in OpenMRS Distro HIS: Ozone Analytics + Mamba ETL
3 tickets to be worked on:
We can assume that MambaETL is supporting incremental changes.
OEG integration in progress: Exact extent of the work is identified. Mekom to outline a timeline and provide regular updates on this call.
Deployment of server in progress: Mekom and OpenMRS devops have met: Need to modify Ozone so that it provides Docker images with the configs+binaries embedded in the image. Work should be started around next week.
FHIR specs for ERP Processes completed. Link:
Focus on the common parts of ERP processes:
Stock levels displayed upon ordering.
Product price displayed upon ordering.
Comparison between FHIR spec vs OpenMRS designs in progress. Done by Kevin.
Analytics in OpenMRS Distro HIS: Ozone Analytics + Mamba ETL
Possible to only send to Ozone Analytics some tables from Mamba: the ones for which we know the model.
OEG integration in progress: Define exact extent of the work needed. Mekom to outline a timeline and project manage.
Deployment of server in progress: Mekom and OpenMRS devops have met: Need to modify Ozone so that it provides Docker images with the configs+binaries embedded in the image.
FHIR specs for ERP Processes complete. Link:
Focus on the common parts of ERP processes:
Stock levels displayed upon ordering.
Product price displayed upon ordering.
OEG integration in progress: Define exact extent of the work needed. Mekom to outline a timeline and project manage.
Testing of OpenMRS Distro HIS in progress.
ERPNext processes confirmed to be working.
Documenting how Implementers can adopt OpenMRS Distro HIS-> to be reviewed by @Stephen Senkomago Musoke
Investigate how OpenMRS Distro HIS can be adopted
Direct inheritance from Ozone.
Inheritance of OpenMRS Distro HIS.
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke to try both options.
Deployment of server in progress: Mekom and OpenMRS devops to meet tomorrow.
FHIR specs for ERP processes progressed. Almost ready to be shared.
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke is looking into trying Superset within Ozone.
Mamba ETL flattened encounters tables must be forwarded to the PostgreSQL analytics table (from Ozone Analytics) as to be available as 1 single datasource in Superset.
Not so straightforward as the table columns is dynamic.
Need to find a way to identify a source data model and create the corresponding target database
→ Set to the agenda next week. Invite @Wyclif Luyima @Emmanuel Nyachoke @Arthur D. Mugume @Laureen Omare .
OEG integration in progress: See Slack conversation between Mekom and UW.
Testing of OpenMRS Distro HIS in progress.
No demo patients created when running Further testing needed. Might need some documentation improvement → @Stephen Senkomago Musoke confirms that demo patient are created.
Testing of the actual integration between OpenMRS and ERPNext in progress. Should be done by mid-week by @Stephen Senkomago Musoke .
Create patient in OpenMRS
Create an order for that patient
See the patient in ERPNext
See the quotation opened in ERPNext
Documenting how Implementers can adopt OpenMRS Distro HIS → redirect to Ozone docs here:
Example of Ozone LIME:
Example of KenyaHMIS:
Investigate how OpenMRS Distro HIS can be adopted
Direct inheritance from Ozone.
Inheritance of OpenMRS Distro HIS.
Deployment of server in progress: host is ready on OpenMRS infrastructure. Next step is to actually deploy OpenMRS Distro HIS (need to identify how can do so).
No progress on FHIR specs for ERP processes. @Romain Buisson will provide updates in next call.
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke is looking into trying Superset within Ozone.
Discuss how we could leverage on Mamba ETL flattening in Ozone Analytics.
Superset alone (in Ozone FOSS) is decommissioned for now in favor of running it with Ozone Analytics.
Needs to find ways to have Mamba ETL tables available in Superset as part of Distro HIS (via Ozone Analytics?)
Testing of OpenMRS Distro HIS in progress.
Process of raising issues:
Reach out on Slack first if issue is unsure, or needs some bits of troubleshooting first. or missing documentation.
Identify the priority.
Then create the JIRA ticket.
Document the ticket number on the Slack thread.
Conflicting names of containers when running multiple Ozone distros side-by-side
Provide a better default for Docker Compose project name (maybe to be the project name)
Provide the ability to override it at start time. script not documented (only @Stephen Senkomago Musoke will update the documentation.
No demo patients created when running Further testing needed. Might need some documentation improvement.
Next testing steps: try the actual integration between OpenMRS and ERPNext:
Create patient in OpenMRS
Create an order for that patient
See the patient in ERPNext
See the quotation opened in ERPNext
Documenting how Implementers can adopt OpenMRS Distro HIS → redirect to Ozone docs here:
Example of Ozone LIME:
Example of KenyaHMIS:
Deployment of server in progress: host is ready on OpenMRS infrastructure. Next step is to actually deploy OpenMRS Distro HIS (need to identify how can do so).
Goals for distro HIS (timeline ~Sep 2024) available
integrates with ERPNext
(integrates with OEG)
documentation available for implementers to leverage on it.
OpenMRS Distro HIS repo started and initialized.
Will start OpenMRS + ERPNext with default integrations. Needs testing + doc.
The presentation of OpenMRS distro HIS in the TAC call went well.
Some discussion ongoing on Talk:
Next step:
Create GH the repository: openmrs-distro-his. → Mekom
Create the Jira project: OpenMRS Distro HIS [HIS] → Mekom
Initialize the repo using the Ozone Maven Archetype → UCSF to create the ticket, Mekom to work on it.
Adjust the Group ID to be
Artifact ID to
Remove Ozone white labelling to keep the default Ref App theme.
Update the O3 Ref App dependency to point to latest
version of O3 (in the pom + Docker images)Enable EPRNext integration
Disable other integrations (Lab integration should be enabled when OpenElis Global integration is ready)
Disable “embedded ERP” features:
Billing & Stock OMODs dependencies
Billing & Stock ESMs
QA/testing of the new distribution.
Start a dev server for OpenMRS Distro HIS: ( /, alternatively
OpenMRS Atlassian doc:
The repository
The specific configuration (components enabled…)
Use cases to cover / patient flows
Adoption of OpenMRS Distro HIS:
How to use that distribution and replace O3 Ref App with your own EMR distro.
Next call:
What about analytics?
@Romain Buisson Kevin Ngari, @Eudson Bambo @Wamathaga Kamau
Billing and stock interfaces in OpenMRS (in progress): Interface specs points mostly identified now. Need to write this down in developer-friendly format. (this process is started by @Romain Buisson ).
Looking specifically at the hybrid EMR/ERP screen (order basket):
Stock availability
Providing the actual FHIR APIs:
Case 1: ERP with OMOD: Extend the FHIR module API from Billing or Stock Management OMODs to bring the ERP-specific domains.
Case 2: ERP with dedicated ERP software: Camel routes to expose the FHIR API.
This is short/mid term solution: Ideally this should be part of the product itself (Odoo/ERPNext…)
Choice of ERP → choosing ERPNext:
has a strategic impact in the region.
Is a bit inferior for initialization
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke mentions a possibility to have a bare metal version as an alternative to Docker Compose.
Product & Services terminology management:
Product catalog VS OCL integration?
to be discussed next week.
@Gilbert Muthee Arthur Mugume @Romain Buisson @Amos Laboso Kevin N. G Ngari
Pre-analysis of user stories for Billing and Stock Management done by Paul Adams. Results to be shared by @Romain Buisson
Data points needed for the integration between EMR & ERP (dedicated ERP or embedded ERP modules).
Used as support for building the APIs on both ERP solutions.
Draft concept note started by @Gilbert Muthee to be shared.
Regarding choosing between ERPNext VS Odoo: both integration will be available with OpenMRS FHIR (OpenMRS EIP component) - both are a viable option.
Lab Integration:
Laboratory app is already implemented in Ref App (Lab results entry).
On the same principle of the ERP integration:
Laboratory backend module should provide a FHIR interface.
Take out the EMR-focused frontend components should be in their own app.
Make sure those new frontend components rely on the FHIR API so that the backend can be swapped between the embedded Lab modules and dedicated fully-fledged LIMS.
Paul to check the user stories behind that work (initiated by UgandaEMR - also used by Palladium) - @Romain Buisson
Billing integration:
⚠️ KenyaEMR/KenyaHMIS still using a different version of the Ref App. This needs to be aligned.
Might not be mandatory, but a nice to have.
Initialization of ERP/LIMS… components:
Metadata (eg, list of products) needs to be aligned within the HIS.
As a first step, probably fine to manually align the products list (via each system initializers)
Odoo comes with Odoo Iniz
ERPNext comes with an initialization mechanism with some limitations. See in Ozone: . This only assumes being able to create new metadata or edit existing metadata, but not both at once.
SENAITE initialization must be done by starting the system, manually configuring it, and exporting the config. This config file can then be fed to the Plone Initializer.
OpenELIS Global - @Romain Buisson to identify how OEG can be initialized.
Longer term solution:
Product catalogue: ERP might be the one driving the list of products & services. Appropriate products & services would be broadcast to their corresponding component (EMR, LIMS…)
Probably use the Ozone deployment stack to facilitate the deployment (ready-to-use Ozone Docker Compose). This is a standard Docker Compose project to enable and start the various HIS components.
For next meeting:
Backup & restore of the various HIS components
Error handling in message routing (integration framework)
Manual troubleshooting of errors (integration framework)
Adoption & Documentation
More detailed scope for a potential hackathon.
@Gilbert Muthee @Romain Buisson @Michael Bontyes
Scope of the group: facility level
What is out of this group:
MPI/CR Integration squad
FHIR channel
Offline discussions
Recurrence of call? Weekly in May, then to revisit later.
Gilbert/UCSF use case:
Looking for a unified UI to integrate ERP data, but also looking to be able to switch from “integrated OpenMRS module” vs. “dedicated ERP” like Odoo - Context statement
Common features, no matter the approach and whatever the backend/flavour is (ex. OpenMRS ERP module vs. dedicated ERP system integration). For example:
Stock levels upon ordering + moving goods and commodities around
Billing features
Planning integration Hackathon/Workshop in collaboration with Mekom in ~3 weeks - preparing concept note for it (to be sorted out: Goals, type of devs needed)
Started: Identify the boundaries/cut-off point, scope, and features of both flavours (ex. what do users get using billing module vs dedicated?)
To be started prior to the workshop:
Paul A. to look into overlaps and identify what should live where - also by reviewing the OpenMRS data model
Prepare the re-architecture scope
Pick tools for dedicated ERP. Ex. Odoo vs. ERPNext. Lab would be later.
To consider on the long term: how feasible would be the transition from the “light”flavour to the “dedicated “flavour” - data migration + ERP configurations/metadata to consider.
Product Catalogue: where will be the source of truth for the products between OpenMRS and the ERP. Middleware example: OpenConceptLab or Odoo. Considering pulling products from higher levels, that can be consolidated with local products = cascade approach. Limit current scope to facility level for now.
Workshop scope:
Not in scope:
FHIR facade - would be a next step
@Romain Buisson, @Michael Bontyes
Discussed the architecture - currently working on a diagram that will be shared here soon for everyone to contribute
@Eudson Bambo, @Romain Buisson, @Michael Bontyes, @Antony Ojwang
Objectives of the group:
Share practices and learn from each other
Investigate a robust interoperability layer and tech stack at facility level - how to enrich data from connecting systems together
Antony - Palladium
In house OpenMRS module to exchange data between EMR <> Centralized Messaging (SMS reminder for Apt - w/ route to SMS provider)
Exchange with Pharmacy Mgmt for HIV-ARV dispensing
Data exchange with National Data Warehouse - used for ML training
Most KenyaEMR hosted on premises = monthly sync need from facilities to central warehouse
Intero with Lab systems (referral labs), VL testing, influenza
HIE is sometimes not under Palladium/KenyaEMR control (ex. need to use existing Rest APIs), but often using HL7 format
The OpenMRS module also generates Patient IDs
Now using OpenHIM instead of Interoperability Layer (custom solution) - also used for patient referrals
HIE with SHR
For consolidation > above sites solutions pulling data from facilities (work in progress)
Registrations centralized in client registry
Difficulty when not in control of tech architecture
Using OpenMRS DB sync = DB to DB, can work offline using queues
Describe architecture and outline tools
Assumptions and considerations
Reusable and modular integration of OpenMRS
Connectivity issues
Both cloud and on premises infra
Limited ownership on architecture and infrastructure decisions
Limited ownership of data (integrity and regulation aspects)
Variety of technical specifications and performance (laptop, edge devices, or cloud)
International level - beyond country level
National level
Shared Health Record
Master Patient Index
Client registry
Provider registry
Facility registry
Machine Learning
District level - often similar needs to National level
Implementing Partner level = Cross-facilities level
Facility level
Centralized user management (including roles)
Bahmni, OpenMRS
Senaite, OpenELIS
Product catalog
Data capture
ODK, Android FHIR SDK, OpenSRP, Comcare
Almanach (ICRC), eCare (MSF), CHT
Comparaison of tech stacks
Data flattening
Mekom: Debezium
Data streams
Mekom: Flink with Ozone Analytics
Palladium: OpenHIM
MSF: OpenFN with OpenMRS<>OCL<>DHIS2
Aggregation of patient files
Mekom: Camel + OpenMRS EIP for event bus (DB Sync)
Conflicts Management
Mekom: Can view report in DB sync - not resolution
Next call:
Group per nature/similarities of intero (ex. MPI vs analytics pipelines)
Anonymized, aggregated
Terminology + mapping management
Frequency and quantity
Location and device client of data consumption
Level of connectivity
How to reflect interoperable data in UX - Ex. level of insurance coverage
@Eudson Bambo, @Samuel Lubwama, @Romain Buisson, @Michael Bontyes
Expectations: share common ground and efforts, learn from each other, explore architecture options, share reusable components like routes.
Shared interested expressed from Mekom, UCSF, MSF/Madiro, METS
How to balance between backed-in development and integration with existing
All looking for vertical and horizontal interoperability (hori: LAB, billing, stock, and verti: MPI, SHR, reference lab system)
UgandaEMR is using UgandaEMR Sync module to send out FHIR data, which includes a UI for profiles/resources/sync/logs.
Scope: HIV surveillance, ART access, LAB requests ALIS, eCBSS, HTS, ART regimen, TB, HIV exposed infant, Client registry, SHR, Cross border
Roadmap: not receiving data at the moment, only sending from facilities. Data consolidation/conflict resolution is pending too.
Be careful with scoping, first with the knows, then the unknowns. Need to scope out what belongs to OpenMRS and what belongs to OpenHIE. Ex: intero with OpenMRS or others?
Using Apache Camel with XML routes, no UI at the moment, can also write JAVA routes.
Questions around using OpenMRS as a start point. Ideally looking at a more centralized architecture, looking at OpenMRS as a FHIR client. Need a place to handle FHIR messages. Ex. FHIR → ODOO or FHIR → ERP Next.
Approach: prioritizing Event bus (like EIP) rather than scheduler. Using API to get events + notifications. Also looking for queues services for handling flows, load of data, statuses, conflicts.
What about more synchronous use cases like a patient needing medication → inform pharmacy in SENAITE and billing in ODOO.
Be careful of the meaning of the data, ex. drug order.
Early stage, looking at common use cases and architectures
Scope: lab tests requests and results (within and outside facility), referrals between facilities, sync with master patient index
Next steps
Schedule a call next week to:
What: Map/list elements of the ecosystem, ex. OpenMRS vs OpenHIR vs Terminology platform, etc.
Why: Map use cases and gaps/challenges - contextualize with examples from facilities and concrete scenarios
How: Explore approach and architecture options, incl. async/sync cases + what can we share? which components?
Share visibility in Slack #FHIR channel + notes here.
Links and references
April 2024: Map ecosystem of existing solutions - Work in progress
April 2024: Editable Generic OpenHIE diagram
Febr 2023: Talk post about Interoperability layer of OpenMRS