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Paging through list of concepts is cumbersome and made worse when the paging links change position on the screen while paging. Keyboard shortcut support would help.

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Table sorting (by clicking column headers) appears to just sort each page of data being displayed. I’m not sure what it means to sort by “Action”. Maybe it would be better to have sorting options separate from the table (i.e., a “sort by” selector)
Button styling feels weird. If I hover over a button, it stops looking like a button (e.g., action buttons)

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I expected a “clear all” link for Datatypes and Classes (if I’ve checked 5-6 of them, don’t make me manually uncheck all of them to remove filters)

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Create Dictionary

gives two options for Preferred Source (CIEL, PIH) but I think the application only really supports CIEL, right? So, remove the PIH option.

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Create Dictionary

there’s an option for “Start by copying another dictionary”, but it doesn’t work right. (I tried to copy a dictionary that has 13 concepts, and the resulting dictionary only has 10 concepts.) Please hide this feature for MVP release, and create a ticket about making it work right later.

MVP: 1

MVP+: 1

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Dictionary Overview
    • The “By class” breakdown isn’t working right. It shows “Diagnosis: 0” when I have a lot of diagnoses. Fix this if it’s quick (e.g. if it’s just a question of changing “diagnosis” to “Diagnosis” in a query) but if it’s going to take a lot of work, just remove this breakdown for the MVP release.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Concepts -> Create Custom
    • I try to create a concept with two names in English, the first one has type=Fully Specified, the second has type=Synonym. I get “An error occurred when creating a concept. Invalid name type” for the one that’s a synonym. (Possibly OpenMRS calls this “synonym” but OCL backend calls this nametype=null.)

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  • Dictionary Overview -> General Details
    • shows “public access: view”. This should instead be “visibility: public”. (I.e. it should be formatted for display the same way that the create screen does it.)
    • should also show the languages. (Can combine default language and other languages to one line for display.) 2

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Dictionary Overview -> Actions
    • disable the Release button if there are zero concepts in the dictionary

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  • Concepts -> Add from CIEL
    • If I add a concept, it does automatically add Answers and Set Members. This is good. But the flash message should also tell the user that this happened. E.g. “Added ANTENATAL VISIT REASON, and 2 concepts that it depends on.” (maybe even give the names of the extra concepts added).
    • If the user manually removes a concept that was added for being a dependency, I think this will break the import. (E.g. I added ANTENATAL VISIT REASON but then I remove PLANNING PREGNANCY.) We should block the user from removing any concept that’s a dependency of others. (I suspect this is a bit tricky, so marking it post-MVP.)

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  • Concepts -> Bulk Add
    • why does the textarea have a loading spinner the first time I open this page?
    • this page needs to block you from navigating away while it’s doing the bulk add (otherwise in-progress work gets lost). Even better is to have some sort of progress report about what’s going on.
    • I added “1, 2, 3, 4, 5”. It told me that 5 and 3 were invalid (good), but then it told me “15 concepts added”, even though it actually only added 3 concepts. Same thing happened with concepts 6,7,8,9,10, there were also two invalid yet it said it was adding 15 concepts.
  • Concepts -> Create Custom
    • language dropdowns for Name and Description should only include supported languages.
    • should have better defaults for name type and preferred-in-language when you add a second name. (i.e. you’re only allowed one fully-specified, and one preferred-in-language, so if the first row has those, the second row should default to Synonym and No)

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Concepts -> Edit
    • when editing, since OpenMRS UUID and OCL ID are not editable, make them take less space, and get rid of the help text.

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