Patient Flags Module OWA User Guide
- 1 Index
- 2 Overview
- 3 Features
- 4 Installation
- 5 Pages
- 5.1 Flags
- 5.1.1 1. Table Properties Â
- 5.1.2 2. Adding A Flag
- 5.1.3 3. Editing a Flag
- 5.1.4 4. Deleting a Flag
- 5.1.5 5. Sorting Tables
- 5.1.6 6. Filter Records by Tags
- 5.2 Tags
- 5.2.1 1. Table Properties Â
- 5.2.2 2. Adding A Tag
- 5.2.3 3. Editing a Tag
- 5.2.4 4. Deleting a Tag
- 5.2.5 5. Sorting Tables
- 5.3 Priorities
- 5.3.1 1. Table Properties Â
- 5.3.2 2. Adding A Priority
- 5.3.3 3. Editing a Priority
- 5.3.4 4. Deleting a Priority
- 5.3.5 5. Sorting Tables
- 5.4 Find Flagged Patients
- 5.1 Flags
- 6 Resources
The Patient Flags Module OWA is an Open Web Application built using React & React-Redux in order to act as a front end for the Rest API supported by the Patient Flags Module. The web application consumes the Patient Flags Module Web API and has 4 Modules/Pages.
Manage Priorities -Â
View table of existing priorities - their name, indicator and rank.
Add New priorities - Select a name, numeric rank value and associated color indicator from a color swatch.
Modify existing priorities.
Delete priorities.
Manage Tags-Â
View table of existing tags.
Add New tags- Select a tag name, which user group(s) the tag is visible to and Display points (patient dashboard or patient header) .
Modify existing tags.
Delete tags.
Manage Flags-Â
View table of existing flags.
Add New flags- Select a flag name, an associated group of tags and a priority for the flag. Select whether flag is enabled or disabled.
Modify existing flags.
Delete flags.
Filter flags by tags.
Find patients associated with a particular flag.
Display Patient particulars, associated tags and flag enabled status.
The OWA is packaged along with the Patient Flags Module.
Installation instructions for Module can be found here - Patient Flags Module Documentation.
Independent OWA installation instruction can be found here - Patient Flags Module OWA Developer Guide.
1. Table Properties Â
            The Flag display table has 5 columns - Name, Tags, Priority, Status & Actions.
Column Name | Description |
Name | Displays flag name |
Tags | Shows the tags associated with a particular flag |
Priority | Shows the priority associated with a particular flag |
Status | Shows the enabled status of the flag - Flag is either Enabled or Disabled. |
Actions | List of Actions - Edit & Delete |
2. Adding A Flag
To add a new Flag click on the 'Add a Flag' button present in the page header.
A popup window containing a form would appear.
Fill In:
The Flag Name
The Flag Type (Groovy, SQL or Custom)
Criteria on which patients will be queried
A relevant message
Associated Tags (Multi select option)
Associated Priority (Single Select Option)
Status - Either Enabled or Not
Click on the Save button to Save the details or Cancel button the close the popup window.
3. Editing a Flag
To edit a flag, click on the pencil icon, in the Actions header of the table.
 | Edit Flag |
This would open a popup window with the flag details
Once created, a Flag's name cannot be changed.
4. Deleting a Flag
Click the 'X' button against a particular Flag record in order to delete it.
 |  Delete Flag |
5. Sorting Tables
Click on any table's header, in order to sort the column alphabetically.
6. Filter Records by Tags
The Filter by Tags option at the top of a page can be used to filter the flags present in the table.
Selected required associated tags from a multi-select options list.
Subsequently Either -
Show all the flags
Show flags that contain any of the selected tags.
Show flags that contain all of the selected tags.
1. Table Properties Â
            The Tag display table has 2 columns - Flag Name, Actions
Column Name | Description |
Name | Displays tag name |
Actions | List of Actions - Edit & Delete |
2. Adding A Tag
To add a new Flag click on the 'Add a Tag' button present in the page header.
A popup window containing a form would appear.
Fill In:
The Tag Name
Visible To - User groups who can view the flag (Multi select option)
Show In - Where is the flag displayed (Multi select Option)
Click on the Save button to Save the details or Cancel button the close the popup window.
3. Editing a Tag
To edit a tag, click on the pencil icon, in the Actions header of the table.
 | Edit Tag |
This would open a popup window with the tag details
Once created, a Tag's name cannot be changed.
4. Deleting a Tag
Click the 'X' button against a particular Tag record in order to delete it.
 |  Delete Tag |
5. Sorting Tables
Click on any table's header, in order to sort the column alphabetically.
1. Table Properties Â
            The Priorities display table has 4 columns - Name, Indicator, Rank & Actions.
Column Name | Description |
Name | Displays Priority name |
Indicator | Shows the indication color associated with the priority. |
Rank | Shows the priority's numeric rank. |
Actions | List of Actions - Edit & Delete |
2. Adding A Priority
To add a new Flag click on the 'Add Priority' button present in the page header.
A popup window containing a form would appear.
Fill In:
The Priority Name
Select a Style
Click on the Save button to Save the details or Cancel button the close the popup window.
3. Editing a Priority
To edit a flag, click on the pencil icon, in the Actions header of the table.
 | Edit Priority |
This would open a popup window with the flag details
Once created, a Priority's name cannot be changed.
4. Deleting a Priority
Click the 'X' button against a particular Flag record in order to delete it.
 |  Delete Priority |
5. Sorting Tables
Click on any table's header, in order to sort the column alphabetically.
Find Flagged Patients
Find patients according to a particular flag associated with that patient.
 Select from the dropdown list the associated flag and click Search.
A table appears containing the list of patients associated with the flag.