Mobile Data Collection Project

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Initial Vision

HIV medical outreach frequently occurs in resource constrained settings, often far away from primary clinical locations. Handheld computers are often more practical for data management in remote settings. In addition, cell phones are used extensively in developing countries. As such, there's a need for tools to both collect and process information related to a person's care using mobile devices. We are developing software to run on mobile devices to carry out this work. An OpenMRS server will export X-Forms, patient sets, and information about which X-Forms should be collected on which patients to a handheld computer. Software on the handheld will allow the user to look up patients, create new ones, and fill out X-forms. The completed X-Forms will be uploaded to the server and included in the main database. Possible summer projects include

(1) working on a "transport layer" so that completed forms can be sent over the web, the phone line, or by manually carrying electronic media,
(2) extending our systems ability to present data on the handheld.

Broader Goal

The development of a collaborative mobile solution for data surveys and patient monitoring.


In initial discussions, the following characteristics where identified as key:

  • Open Source software for collaboration

  • Standardised data models for interoperability (XML)

  • Mobile platform independence for portability (J2ME)

  • A user interface that aims to maximize ease of use

High-Level Systems Architecture

The complete solution consists of the following parts:

Data Server

  • Create and design XForms based on data set

  • Can process completed XForms


Created in a standard, flexible way that specifies a set of data elements to be completed.

archive:Mobile Application

The application will be able to:

  • Display the created XForms

  • Manage user interaction and data collection

  • Control data submission back to server.

Mobile Devices

The physical tools that will run the application.

Mobile Application

The mobile application will consist of the following components:

Presentation Layer

  • PDA chatterbox interface

  • Phone 1 question per screen interface

Form Controller

Basic Functionality

  • XForm processing

  • Navigation through questions

  • Skip logic

XForm Model

( See how these interact: Mobile Xforms )

Application Shell

Basic Functionality

  • Login

  • View all forms

  • Load form

  • Browse completed form

  • Send completed forms to server

Mobile Transport Layer

Basic Functionality

Patient Database

Basic Functionality

  • Browse patients

  • Load form for patient

  • Browse completed forms for a patient


Boston Meeting September 2007

Current Interested Parties


Release Plan

Current Development

Usage Scenarios

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