OCC Module


This module connects to the OCC server to share your implementation's concepts and be able to import concepts from other OpenMRS users. See the OCC Justification and OCC FAQ


View Source: http://source.openmrs.org/browse/Modules/occ/trunk/
Checkout Source: http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/wocc/trunk/
Download: http://modules.openmrs.org/modules/view.jsp?module=occ

User Documentation

Required OpenMRS Version: The occ module requires at least OpenMRS 1.7.0+ to share concepts

Configuration Options:

Scheduling concept uploads to occ server

Subscribing to a set from occ server

Also see OCC Tutorial

Development History

...insert really long list here...

Release Notes

( To be filled in once a formal release is made to the Module Repository )

  • 0.8 (Alpha)

    • TBD