2.x Module Compatibility
The UI Framework code is being transitioned to a module. Documentation will move to UI Framework.
The 2.x application does not load the webModuleApplicationContext.xml file. It loads moduleApplicationContext.xml and ui2ModuleApplicationContext.xml.
1.x modules that don't use webModuleApplicationContext.xml will often "work" without modification in 2.x, in the sense that they will successfully start, and you can visit their URLs directly, but that's not really good enough.
If you want a module to work well in both the OpenMRS 1.x and 2.x applications, you should split configuration up into:
moduleApplicationContext.xml: API-level configuration, e.g. Services, DAOs
webModuleApplicationContext.xml: 1.x-specific web configuration
ui2ModuleApplicationContext.xml: 2.x-specific web configuration, including extensions
How to expose a Spring MVC url as a 2.x Page
URLs that are handled by Spring MVC (either by XML- or Annotation-driven configuration) may be exposed as 2.x Pages using the SpringMvcPageViewProvider, which effectively does a jsp:include of the Spring page, and exposes that as a page.
In ui2ModuleApplicationContext.xml
<bean class="org.openmrs.ui2.core.page.PageFactory" autowire-candidate="false">
<property name="additionalViewProviders">
<entry key="(your-module-id)-module">
<bean class="org.openmrs.ui2.core.page.SpringMvcPageViewProvider">
<property name="pages">
<entry key="pageNameIn2x" value="/module/(your-module-id)/(your-page).form" />
If you don't want to include the entire page, you may put one or both of these in your JSP:
How to expose a Spring MVC url as a 2.x Fragment
URLs that are handled by Spring MVC (either by XML- or Annotation-driven configuration) may be exposed as 2.x Fragments using the SpringMvcPageAsFragmentViewProvider, which effectively does a jsp:include of the Spring page, and exposes that as a fragment, which can be included in other pages.
In ui2ModuleApplicationContext.xml
<bean class="org.openmrs.ui2.core.fragment.FragmentFactory" autowire-candidate="false">
<property name="additionalViewProviders">
<entry key="(your-module-id)-pages">
<property name="fragments">
<entry key="fragmentNameIn2x" value="/module/(your-module-id)/(your-page).form" />
If you don't want to include the entire page, you may put one or both of these in your JSP:
You may use query parameters on map entry's values, but you must use
for &, like in this example from HTML Form Entry:
How to Expose 1.x Content at a 2.x Extension
The 2.x application ignores the extensions defined in the module's config.xml file. But you may define extensions through ui2ModuleApplicationContext.xml like in this example, which exposes a page from the Growth Chart module as a patient dashboard fragment:
For convenience, certain commonly URLs from 1.x are redirected to their appropriate pages in 2.x (preserving query strings):
/ -> /home.page
/index.* -> home.page
/patientDashboard.form -> /patient.page
1.x Technologies That Work in 2.x (when it's running in 1.x-compatibility mode)
module resources
Known Limitations
<openmrs:fieldGen/> tag does not work in 2.x. (TRUNK-2489)
<openmrs_tag:*/> do not work in 2.x. (We're not planning to fix this.)