Resolving 'PermGen space' error in Netbeans

Resolving 'PermGen space' error in Netbeans

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While developing OpenMRS every now and then one may encounter 'PernGen Space' error. Now, if the chosen development IDE is Netbeans, the following document will try to resolve the error. By default Netbeans sets the size of PermGen to very low and hence to solve this error the PermGen Space needs to be increased.

This can be done by editing the netbeans.conf file.This file can be found in the etc folder of the Netbeans installation directory.

Eg: In windows environment: C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.1.2\etc\netbeans.conf

      In Linux environment: /home/username/netbeans-7.1.2/etc/netbeans.conf

The netbeans.conf can be edited in any text editor like gedit in linux or Notepad++ / word-pad in Windows. The three values that needs to changed are :

-J-Xss -



A sample change is shown in the screen-shot below:

Making the above changes should resolve the 'PermGen Space' error.