Provider Management Advanced Setup

Other Settings

The Manage Other Settings page (accessed from the Administration page) allows for the configuration of other setting including:

  • Set person attributes to display on provider dashboard: configures the person attributes to display in the demographics section of the provider dashboard; unlike provider attributes, these currently can be configured only on an all-or-nothing basis, and cannot be customized depending on provider role

  • Set the person attribute type to include on the advanced search page: configures the person attribute type you'd like to be able to use as a search parameter on the advanced search page; currently you are limited to only one attribute

  • Select whether or not to restrict search results to providers with a defined provide role: set this if you want the search results to only display providers who have a provider role (ie, provider.provider_role != null); this is useful if there is only a subset of providers you want to manage using the module

  • Select the address widget to use: allows the use of Rwanda Address Hierarchy address widget instead of the standard address widget when editing provider demographic information; requires that the Rwanda Address Hierarchy module is installed; hopefully future additions to the module will allow the use of the standard Address Hierarchy module address widget as well

Customizing display fields

The Manage Other Settings page also contains a series of settings that allow for the customization of the fields that are displayed in provider, patient, and person lists and search results.  The fields are specified in pipe-delimited list of label/field name pairs where field names are referenced by standard dot notation.  For instance: