2018-01-17 Design Forum
Jan 17, 2018
@Owais Hussain
Rabbia Hassan
Darius Jazayeri
Daniel Kayiwa
Imran Arif
Wyclif Luyima
Discuss possible solutions to allow OpenMRS implementations to manage generic (non-patient) data
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Problem | @Owais Hussain |
Examples | @Owais Hussain |
Solution | @Owais Hussain | A possible solution would be to add two tables user_form and user_obs and replicate the same functionality offered by encounters and observations, while use existing concept dictionary and other metadata: |
Solution | Darius | It will be too much work to replicate the encounter - obs model (which is for patients) to fit the generic_form - obs. Better approach will be following SOA and integrate existing tools like ODK, Commcare and Kobotools with OpenMRST |
Solution | Daniel | Alternatively, looking into existing work done by the community, for example Facility Data module or OpenSRP Cohort module, and enhance it to fit more general needs |
Action items