Order Entry UI 1.0.0-beta Release Notes

Order Entry UI 1.0.0-beta Release Notes

Release Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2018

Introducing Order Entry UI 1.0.0

Order Entry UI is an OpenMRS OWA that enables a user to make (currently) drug orders for a patient. It can be accessed from the patient’s clinicianfacing page using the prescribed medication link.

This is the first release of Order Entry UI; currently, it can only be used when making drug orders. However, the OpenMRS community desire to expand this for other orders.


We are so thankful to all who contributed towards this release.The contributors were: 

Daniel Kayiwa, Darius Jazeyeri, David DeSimone, Mark Goodrich, Flavia Nshemerirwe, Fredrick Mgbeoma, Lanre Lawal, Osaze Edo-Osagie, Geofrey Asiimwe, Betty Kebenei.


The following are the features appearing in this beta release:

  • Searching for a drug.

  • Adding one or more drug orders at a time.

  • Revising drug orders.

  • Discontinuing drug orders.

  • Showing all of a patient's active drug orders and past drug orders.

Known Issues and Problems

Encounter Role and Encounter Type

An encounter role and an encounter type are needed in order to make a POST request for a drug order i.e adding a new drug order, editing an existing active order and discontinuing an active drug order; therefore, they had to be available in the application.

The encounter type and encounter role needed were added as global properties as described in this link


Time and Date Format

People in different places use different time formats; in this application dates are necessary to show when a drug order was added, edited or discontinued.



The time and date format was added as global properties as described in this link. With this, time and date will be set with a familiar format.

Upgraded Modules

The following modules were upgrade in order to make the working of this application possible. Below is a list of the modules:

  • Webservices REST module (Upgrade was done on v2.23.0)

  • Reference Metadata module (Upgrade was done on v2.7.2);  a feature of Metadata deploy module was also needed for this upgrade. 

  • Order Entry UI module (v1.0)


You can download the beta version from here



We will appreciate any kind of feedback about this release from the community. You can post your feedback on https://talk.openmrs.org.

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