Google Code-in Administration
Google Code-in Administration
Note: This article is a WIP
Include section about tasks and example of tasks and how they should be designed
Give proper timeline and estimated time for each task
Note all tasks and decisions
Note common student issues in the past
Note common mentor/leadership issues
Create student/mentor survey post-comp. option to gain feedback on experience with OpenMRS
break down timeline into sections like 2 months before then during competition etc.
This page aims to describe the process for administering the Google Code-in (GCI) program and serve as a repository for any information about running GCI.
What is Google Code In (GCI)?
From the Google Code-in Website: [A] global, online contest introducing teenagers to the world of open source development. With a wide variety of bite-sized tasks, it’s easy for beginners to jump in and get started no matter what skills they have. Mentors from our participating organizations lend a helping hand as participants learn what it’s like to work on an open source project. Participants get to work on real software and win prizes from t-shirts to a trip to Google HQ!
What is the role of a GCI Admin?
Form administration group (minimum 2 active, dedicated community members)
Create mentor application process and form mentor group (suggested 20 mentors) (see Mentor Selection)
Create proper communication channels for administration and general body (see Communication)
Begin creation of beginner tasks with mentor group (minimum 25 needed for application)
Apply for Google Code-in program
Fill out organization application (see Organization Application)
Fill out organization profile (see Organization Profile)
Create tasks for varying skill levels (beginner, medium, advanced) (minimum 100) (see Task Creation)
Notify Infrastructure Team regarding GCI signups and issues (minimum 2 weeks ahead and reminder 2 days before)
Mentor Selection
Task Creation
Organization Application
Organization Profile
Common Difficulties