Volunteer Recognition Program

Volunteer Recognition Program

The Volunteer Recognition Program was designed to highlight individuals and teams of the OpenMRS community, whose efforts and contributions have been exemplary. Your hard work is fundamental to the mission of OpenMRS, and we believe that these winners should be awarded in a way that publicly expresses OpenMRS' gratitude and appreciation.


As our way of saying thank you and recognizing your efforts, you'll receive the following items, of which you are not obligated to accept:

  1. Public Recognition

  2. Volunteer of the Month badge

  3. Posting on our blog with a blurb about the person being recognized

Nomination Process

Please submit your nomination through our Google Form.

Requirements for Consideration

Volunteer of the Month should exemplify the following requirements.

  1. Benefit to the community as evidenced by

    • Ongoing consistent contribution throughout the year

    • Response to a specific identified need

    • Leading an initiative/ development cycle

    • Other submitted description

  2. Contribution is beyond the normal expectations of a community member's role


Examples of contributions can be, but not limited to:

  • Community Builder
    • individual/team that created new process or improved experience of others in the community
  • Innovator
    • individual/team that introduced new technology or improved existing technology practices
  • Mission Impact
    • individual/team that initiated or created change that resulted in improved outcomes and moved OpenMRS closer to achieving it mission

Submission Requirements

Your written submission can be from yourself or others, and must include the following:

  • Time period for recognition
  • Specific activities
  • Benefit that community derived from these activities
  • Anticipated impact if available

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