2017-01-03 - Education Minutes
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Jeff Neiman
- Matthew- ssemakadde@gmail.com
- James - james@missionaryjames.com
- Jan- janflowers@openmrs.org
- Terry- terry@openmrs.org
- Ed
- Gail Williams
- Fay Justine Katwesige-fayjustine@gmail.com
- Tendo Kiiza Martyn
- Hillary Bagiire
- Ivange Larry
- Ngenzi joseph Lune
- Christine Gichuki
- Art
- Tosin
- Francis
- Sylvia
- Lilian
- OcokoruWilfred
- Alfred
- Seruyange
- Dr. John
- Glorious
- Patience
- Andrew
emails for some of the attendees
7. Dr. John Opolot - johnopolot@gmail.com
8. Katushabe Glorious - katushabegk@gmail.com
9. Atukunda Patience - patukunda@yahoo.com
Strategic goal #4 of OpenMRS
How can we share training resources?
- * Done by others previously.
- multiple local training materials developed
- multiple people /organizations that have done this
- * How can we push forward - central repository with training manual/development of a certification program/etc
Vernacular-- IT training versus clinical informatics
Medical Informatics
- Standardization of training materials to be followed.
- on line/print/other options
- Recommended length of training (for example 5-days)
- Training Topics
- clinical/health care team needs
- implementation needs
- form design
- fform creation
- iinstallation
- what is the job role that you need to do
- Impact on Jobs
- certification critical to employees/job seekers
- Maintenance of Certification
- challenges in Uganda
Terry - Last year had a community member (Saptarchi) leading community training.
- Singapore had training before conference.- this included clinical informatics/OpenmRS/
- Looking for existing training materials, implementers, clinical, developers
- Slideshare has lots of old PowerPoints.that have not been curated
- Mary Cropp has been working closely with the OpenMRS community to identify what is out there/what needs to be developed for training
Art - CHITS Phillipines experience
- Last implementation training was 4 years ago.
- primary purpose is for implemenation of the system
- assess user profile that is needed
- had already developed some curriculum training
- offered nation wide and offers professional training certification ( including health professional training- contnuing educational units); recognized nationally and get specific credential
- implemented in particular unit /iinstalled it
- 3 Levels
- 1 - health administrators - overview of OpenMRS, what is OpenMRS community, etc. (1 day)
- 2 - project managers and IT personnel - form design, concept management, etc (2 days)
- 3 - review/deploy - review of level 2, site to implement system in, try to install/implement in one unit. Suggest ICU (more in control, limited staff) - not yet implemented
- individual pays for the course ( or your organization may pay for you)
Formal training
- 9 months for implementers
- was technical as well as other training topics-
- Masters in health informatics- in charge of all undergraduates to include HIT In the curriculum
- missing practical experience in HIT to contribute in the community
- traing all lecturers who are teaching ICT- include HI competency in undergraduate programs
- combine with OpenMRS experience
- Mekarare school of public health/develop curriculum
- find incentives to make them computer literate
- some have never touched a computer
Different roles of people that need to be trained
- health care team workers (users)
- OpenMRS administrator
- developers
- implementers ( provide technical support)
- categories of implementers (different types of implementers)
- end users ( multiple definitions)
- computer scientists ( usually already trained)
1. Basic Skills
2. Introduction to OpenMRS
3. How to enter forms
4. How to use the data
5. Value of analytics and decision making
6. Challenges related to the issues
7. Business process changes that are needed
Distinction between Preservice (education-long-term, continuing) and inservice (training, short to medium training)
- train health workers for an immediate need
- training explicit on OpenMRS
Participants qualifications/requirements defined then define topics
Suggested implementer training topics
- Techincal - How to install OpenMRS (different OS), How to make a backup, mySQL, user creation
- Core skills required for training: Basic IT skills, OS familiarity (Linux if training on Linux, or Windows if on Windows)
Identify topics that are cross-cutting regardless of the roles
Process of training
- train sentinel person
- train the trainers
- Champion in health facility - high level understanding
Timing of training/depth of training
Everyone needs to understand value of health IT.
How to move forward with Implementer Training:
Create wiki page to share current/past materials - comprehensive source and background requirements can be seen
OpenMRS University Call session to discuss roles
Suggest Voice Thread and other collaborative tools (whiteboard)
Draft by March 2017
Additional comments after meeting by attendees: