Release Notes 2.4

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Introducing Reference Application 2.4

Taking up from Release 2.3, we are here to introduce 2.4 to the community. Reference Application 2.4 includes a release of the platform version 1.11.6.


Feature highlights from Reference Application 2.4:

  • 37 modules
  • OpenMRS platform 1.11.6 (Maintenance release by Musoke Steven)
  • Several bug fixes
  • and various other modules worth mentioning as below.

Release date: Friday, 15 July 2016

Release Manager: James deGraft-Johnson



Complete list of contributors to Reference Application 2.4 (apologies if anyone's name has been missed):

Abhishek91, A Chethan, Alexei Grigoriev, Bharat K, Burke Mamlin, Cintia Del Rio, Clifton McIntosh, Cosmin Ioan, Darius Jazayeri, Daniel Kayiwa, Deluan Quintão, Gaurav Narula, Goeffrey W Wasilwa, Hemanth Gowda, Hanswurst, Imran Tatriev, Indraneelr, Izaron/Evgeny, , James degraft-Johnson, Judy Gichoya, Jakub Kondrat, Kaweesi Joseph, Kristopher Schmidt, LavaSnake, Lluis Josep Martinez Ferrando, Mario Somrei, Mark Goodrich, Michael Hofer, Michael Seaton, Miguel Corrales Mhawila, Mekom Solutions, Namrata Nehete,  Nicholas Ingosi Magaja,  Nicholas Folk, Ojwanganto,  Padma,  Patrick Lehmann, Paweł Muchowski, Preethi Sadagopan, Rafal Korytkowski, R Sudhakar, Ranganathan Balashanmugam, Romain Buisson, SwathiVarkala, Shruthidipali, Stefan Neuhaus, Sravanthi 17, Sam Dale, Sebastian Theis, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Tim Steen, Tomaszmueller, Ujjwal Arora, Vinkesh, Vinayvenu, Vikash Gupta2000, Willa Ahmed, Wesley Brown, Wyclif Luyima, Yousef Hamza,  Xiang Li, YS-Achinta, Robby O'Connor

Modules included in the release:

S.NoModuleVersion in Reference Application 2.4Notes/Issue(s)
1Admin UI1.1Included in RA
2Allergy API1.4Included in RA
3Allergy UI1.5Included in RA
4App Framework2.8Included in RA
5App UI1.5.1Included in RA
6Appointment Scheduling Module1.5Included in RA
7Appointment Scheduling UI Module1.3Included in RA
8Atlas2.2Included in RA
10Chart Search Module1.4.1Same
11Core Apps1.10Included in RA
12Data Exchange1.3.1Same
13EMR API1.14Included in RA
14Event2.4Included in RA
15Form Entry App1.2Same
16HTML Form Entry2.6Same
17HTML Form Entry Extensions for OpenMRS
18HTML Form Entry UI Framework Integration1.5Included in RA
19HTML Widgets1.7.0Same
20ID Generation4.3Included in RA
21Metadata Deploy1.5.0Same
22Metadata Mapping1.0.2Same
23Metadata Sharing1.2Included in RA
24Provider Management2.4Included in RA
25Reference Application (RA)2.4Included in RA
26Reference Demo Data (optional)1.4.2Included in RA
27Reference Metadata2.4Included in RA
28Registration App1.5Included in RA
29Registration Core1.4Included in RA
30Reporting0.10.0Included in RA
31Reporting REST1.6Included in RA
32Rest Web Services2.14Included in RA
33Serialization Xstream0.2.10Included in RA
34UI Commons1.7Same
35UI Library2.0.4Same
36UI Framework3.6Included in RA
37UI Test Framework1.6Same


The closed issues in Reference Application Modules  - JIRA issues accepted
Download OpenMRS 2.4 here: 
You can take a look at the implementer documentation here.Â