Leads Discussion Schedule


A schedule has been created so that OpenMRS Leadership Team Leads can present update on their roles, what they need help with, what issues they are running up against, how we can all help to organize changes, etc. The schedule will allow for 30 min dedicated to 2 leads (15 min) for each lead to present.



Lead 1 (15 min)

Lead 2 (15 min)


Lead 1 (15 min)

Lead 2 (15 min)

May 23

Andy Kanter

Burke Mamlin

May 30

Michael Downey

Chris Seebregts

Jun 6


Paul Biondich

Jun 13

Hamish Fraser

Burke Mamlin

June 20



Jun 27

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Jun 4



Jul 11

Hamish Fraser

Michael Downey

Jul 18

Paul Biondich

Burke Mamlin

Jul 25




Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Aug 8

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich 

Aug 15

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Aug 22

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Aug 29

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich 

Sep 5

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Sep 12

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Sep 19

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich

Sep 26

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Oct 3

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Oct 10



Oct 17

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich

Oct 24

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Oct 31

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Nov 7

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich

Nov 14

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Nov 21

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Nov 28



Dec 5

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich

Dec 12

Michael Downey

Burke Mamlin

Dec 19

Andy Kanter

Chris Seebregts

Dec 26

Hamish Fraser

Paul Biondich

** If you can not attend during your assigned day please trade with someone else.