Partnership Lead

Partnership Lead

Contact Information

Email:  chris@openmrs.org
Phone:  +27-701-0939
Twitter: @chrisseebregts
Blog: N/A

Office Hours: 9-5pm, South Africa time (GMT +2 hours)


The Partnerships Lead is responsible for the development and maintenance of relationship between OpenMRS and key partners, including funders, commercial partners, country users, other open communities.


  • Coordinate an OpenMRS Partnerships volunteer team and community

  • Interface and harmonize with other OpenMRS team leads (Community etc)

  • Ensure a coherent Partner contact, response and internal referral process

  • Enterprise planning and participation in other open source communities

  • Dialogue with OpenMRS Community / Inc President / CEO and COO

  • Assist with resource mobilization?

2013 Partnership Goals

  • Mobilize a team to help with the task (Downey, Kanter, Fraser, Tim Elworth?, others?)

  • Develop and maintain an OpenMRS partnership strategic plan, including:

    • OpenMRS partner categories

    • Partner governance

    • Partner needs and outreach

    • Financial aspects (budgets, income etc)

  • Partner outreach including:

    • Develop and maintain a database of partners, contacts etc

    • Develop instruments to manage partner requirements and opinions

    • Set up a contact point for Partner enquiries and internal referrals

  • Harmonize activities with activities of Community lead and other OpenMRS team leads

  • Participate in OpenMRS management calls and face-to-face meetings

  • Establish regular and ad hoc reporting to OpenMRS President / CEO and OpenMRS leadership committee

  • Coordinate development of appropriate communication tools (brochures, appropriate technical documentation etc)

  • Review of extent of OpenMRS uses and interface with enterprise implementatons


  • 10% of time of Partner Lead, if required?

  • Support of other OpenMRS leadership and OpenMRS Inc staff

  • Inputs from expert social enterprise company (Ashoka, TW?)

  • Some specific collaboration tools and web development (TBD)

  • Travel support for any face-to-face meetings and OpenMRS annual meeting

Not Responsible for...

  • Doing all the work

  • Operational activities

  • Implementers?

  • Community development