2013-1-23 Project Management Meeting
How To Join
Contact ?@Chris Power for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
1. Current Sprint Complete, thoughts?
2. Patient Summary Sprint Starts 1/24
3. A Review of the Sprint Schedule and prioritization of it's topics
Current Sprints
From | To | Topic | Leader | Developer Effort Estimated | Goals Outlined? | Retrospective Completed? |
Jan 9th | Jan 23 | Reporting Module: integrating with Calculation module, integrating with MDS, etc | Mike Seaton | Rafal | Yes | 1/24 Developer's Call |
In Planning
Name | Product Owner | Lead Developer | Goals Outlined? | Next Design Meeting | Estimated Start Date | Kickoff Meeting | Comments |
Joaquin Blaya | Mike Seaton | Yes | Complete | 1/24 | 1/24 | A Google Hangout will be setup just prior to the kickoff meeting see Chris, Mike Seaton or Michael Downey for details | |
@Roger Friedman | @Rafal Korytkowski |
| 1/22/13 | 2/7 |
| Rafal prepping for this as RESTWS-310 | |
Reference Application 2.0 |
| @Darius Jazayeri (TBD) |
| 2/21 |
Patient Data |
| 3/7 |
| Mike Seaton should be involved either Lead/Owner |
Order entry spike | Burke Mamlin | Wyclif (TBD) | Yes |
Sprint Ideas (Not in any order)
Name | Product Owner | Developer Lead | Suggested Developers | Initial Discussion Date | Comments |
Burke/Paul |
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Mike Seaton |
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Mike Seaton |
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Implementation-led Sprint: HAS (HTML Form and Reporting) | Mike Seaton/Jeremy Keiper |
Order Entry Wrap Up (Implementing the new Order Types) |
| @Wyclif Luyima |
Complete the hibernate-search branch | @Rafal Korytkowski |
| Subtasks of TRUNK-2999 |
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Publish and test the MVP dictionary with the dictionarypublishing module (1 dev spike) | @Rafal Korytkowski |
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Wes Brown(?), Suranga Kasthurirathne(?) |