2006-12-21 Handheld Computer Dev Meeting

Meeting of the OpenMRS Handheld Computer Development Team

21 December 2006 (Teleconference)


  • Chris Seebregts

  • Neal Lesh

  • Carl Fourie

  • Yashik Singh


  • Carl is working on a toolkit comprising the following:

    • Carl's forms importer/exporter tool

    • Yashik's data dictionary spreadsheet import tool

    • Database backup script

    • Data export/import tool (by posting forms from export DB queue table to import DB queue table) - XSN currently working but not HL7, yet

  • Carl out of town from 4-14 Jan

  • Brief discussion of handheld computer operating systems. Looks like Palm will be around for awhile. Linux supported on many systems.

  • Carl downloading Palm OS developers kit

ToDo Summary

  • Neal to send smartphone link

  • Chris to review spreadsheet design and send to Yashik

  • Chris to review and select Regenstrief and PIH coding for drugs after which rest will get reports working

  • Chris to e-mail Richmond PEPFAR report format to Neal

  • Chris to schedule next meeting (teleconference) on 2 January 2007 (afternoon)

  • Carl and Yashik to plan to travel to Richmond on 3 January 2007 (all day)

    • Reinstall database with revised TB forms