2011-03-03 Leadership Meeting

2011-03-03 Leadership Meeting

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Mike Seaton
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


10:30 - 11:30: Everyone arrives to PIH Office: 888 Commonwealth Avenue, 3rd Floor
11:30 - 12:30: Lunch provided at the PIH office
12:30 - 16:30: Topic: Road Map Discussion
16:30 - 17:00: Break
17:00 - 19:00: Topic: Plans for OpenMRS Funding
19:00 - 21:30: Dinner in Boston / Topic: OpenMRS Meetings

Meeting Agenda

Road Map Discussion
Total Time: 4 hours

  1. (90 min) Review and discuss Top 10 Features from the community

  2. (60 min) Prioritize features

  3. (60 min) Broader design questions:

    1. What is the future of the software, development, etc. - may discuss in NGO time slot as well

  4. (30 min) Wrap Up and Action Items

Plans for OpenMRS funding
Total Time: 2 hours

  1. (30 min) Discuss sources of funding/where to look and apply

  2. (30 min) Potential collaborations

  3. (30 min) What activities can we do over the next year and beyond

  4. (20 min) Wrap Up and Action Items

2011 OpenMRS Meetings
Total Time: 2 hours

  1. (30 min) Where is our main meeting?

  2. (30 min) Finances

  3. (30 min) Future meetings - will we continue to try for 2/yr?

    1. Strategies for choosing a location

  4. (20 min) Wrap Up and Action Items

Meeting Minutes

EtherPad: http://notes.openmrs.org/2011Boston1

View at notes.openmrs.org