2014-08-18 Project Management Meeting


Aug 18, 2014


  • @Chris Power

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Shasha Liu

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Kiran Reddy

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


  • Last Weeks Action Items

  • Status Updates

  • PM Transition Plan

Discussion items










Review of Last Weeks Action Items



    Shasha Liu and Daniel Kayiwa - Keep track on progress on this sprint, is there a backlog in the "ready to test column" etc
    Wyclif Luyima Place 1.10 into Production - Discuss this with the Bahmani team to see if they are ready
    Daniel Kayiwa get a list together of outstanding 1.11 issues to help push them to test the issue.  So that we can get their organization to help resolve.
    Burke Mamlin , Wyclif LuyimaDarius Jazayeri, and Chris Power to discuss how to find leaders for the work on Road map work.
    Some refocused work on this is needed


Status Updates


  • 1.10

    • 2 tickets still in review- should be ready by the end of the week.

    • Preparing to release

    • Bhamani will ready for testing in production (we hope) Will talk more about this on today's design call.

  • 1.11

    • Need a communication push for testing 1.11

    • Current 1.11 sprint is focused on just testing

    • Another Dev sprint is necessary to complete the work remaining.

  • Allergies

    • Sprint 1 completed 9 tickets

    • Sprint 2 started, email communication was sent out

    • Setting Up the Design call August 20th on this topic


    • Design Call Wednesday

      • How does the module interact with OCL API?

      • Workflow questions maybe for @Andrew Kanter surrounding KenyaEMR's work (can these be added to the document so that I can respond)?


PM Transition Plan


  • Transition @Chris Power to a volunteer role.


Ask OpenMRS

@Michael Downey

  • Attempt to focus time on answering questions on Ask OpenMRS


Open Discussion


  • Scrum/sprints are failing

    • How do we move to a more Git process or a different type of work package?

  • Draft of a model for Development

Action items

@Michael Downey setup a 90 trial, with some action and metrics
Continue to work on finding leaders. @Burke Mamlin @Darius Jazayeri @Wyclif Luyima