2014-05-21 Project Management Meeting


May 21, 2014


  • @Chris Power

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Shasha Liu

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Kiran Reddy

  • @Paul Biondich


  • To Review progress in 1.10 and 1.11

  • Review action items from last week's meeting

  • New Topics (Resource allocations and capacity planning)

  • Open Discussion

Discussion items









20 min

Review timeline and plans for 1.10 and 1.11

@Wyclif Luyima

  • Development of 1.10 is complete

  • Alpha needs

    • Documentation

    • Testing, Order Entry UI

      • Only a significant issues found

        • duplicates in a care setting

        • Batteries

          • lab set

          • tests/ CBC

    • Resolve these issues and we will be ready to release for alpha

    • Goal to have the Alpha out the door by June 5th

  • 1.11 to be reviewed during Developer call tomorrow, and will be able to make action items from there.

  • How do we test the upgrade?

    • Can we have PIH do a test against real data and refactor ordering Xray's for example to 1.10?

    • @Darius Jazayeri will have a conversation with Bahmni to see if they can assist with testing of the upgrade progress. @Burke Mamlin will assist. "Now is the time to consider that it is stabilized and would be a good time to review.

    • Testing Goals for the Alpha

      • Closest real world testing capability is help an implementation get on the new API and possibly a certain module (order entry) providing them with help with the refactoring.

      • Even if they don't plan on immediately upgrading to 1.10 we are asking you to try in a test environment that has patient data so that we can get feedback on the upgrade process.

10 mins

Review Action Items from Last Week's Meeting

@Chris Power

  • Put together a list of remaining issues list to have reviewed to determine if it's really a blocker for release of 1.10 - In progress to complete

  • Talk to Steven W. to use Kenya EMR as a demo/tested by an implementation - 

  • Alternate is to try to have Bahmni test

  • Paul to get some clinical "geeks" to look at the mock UI - Complete

  • Email to community: Explaining that there will not be a "real world" testing going into Alpha, but will be looked at after release knowing there is another release coming soon.

  • Take tickets from testing and press hard on testing and have tickets created to go into a support sprint.  Need a more a directed effort - Burke suggestion

  • Paul to talk to Andy K. about drug content - In progress

20 mins

New Topics



      • Resource allocation and capacity planning


@Shasha Liu, @Chris Power

  • Resource Allocation

    • Looking for timeline and resource management

  • Capacity planning

    • How do we stop fire fighting?

  • Communication issues

    • This is what we are working on now, if you are not interested in helping with that you can work on allergies... (example)

    • Create a roadmap for the next thing or possibly the next two things. Have this happen on this call

      • Take a look at the roadmap of the reference application as a suggestion of what it could look like

    • How do we get updates out on what's being worked on so that others can see how to become involved.

  • Governance model


      • We need someone in charge of the roadmap and keeping priorities straight


Open Discussion



Action items

@Burke Mamlin and @Darius Jazayeri to talk with Steven and Kenya EMR as well as Bahmni for testers.
@Shasha Liu to create a roadmap for the next thing that can be reviewed during the next PM call.