2011-03-04 Leadership Meeting

2011-03-04 Leadership Meeting

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


07:30 - 08:00: Meet at PIH Office: 888 Commonwealth Avenue, 3rd Floor
08:00 - 11:45: Topic: Nonprofit Organization
11:45 - 13:00: Lunch in Boston
13:15 - 15:30: Topic: Nonprofit Organization
15:30 - 16:30: Meeting Wrap Up and transportation to BOS airport


Nonprofit Organization
Total Time: 6 hours

  1. (4:30) Discuss how we want OpenMRS to look as an Organization

    1. (60 min) Review considerations from the BCG Process

      1. How will roles within OpenMRS evolve

    2. (60 min) How the nonprofit organization and collaborates with other entities (academic, NGO, etc.)

      1. Tie in with current supported organizations and those we may have in the future

      2. What this may mean for training opportunities

    3. (60 min) How do we improve involvement and contributions from other organizations

      1. Who is currently contributing time to OpenMRS

    4. (60min) Infrastructure

      1. Space provided by IU, OSUOSL, etc.

  2. (30 min) Bylaws

    1. Review, discuss, finalize

  3. (30 min) Board of Directors

    1. Finalize

  4. (30min) Wrap Up and Action Items

Meeting Minutes

EtherPad: http://notes.openmrs.org/2011Boston2