2007 Implementers Group Meeting Day Five

(day four ←) DAY FIVE: THURSDAY, 26 APRIL 2007




Day Theme: OpenMRS - Funding and Proposals

07:00 - 09:00

Breakfast, small group meetings and discussion

Session: Presentations and Workshop

Session Chair: Burke Mamlin, Regenstrief Institute

09:00 - 09:15

Health Information Systems

Rosemary Foster

09:15 - 09:45


Andrew Boulle, Russel Eva

09:45 - 10:30

Panel Discussion: Developing Capacity through Collaborative Academic Programs and User Networks

Panelists: Mark Spohr, Ghislain Kouematchoua, Chris Seebregts, Yashik Singh, Hamish Fraser, Christopher Bailey

10:30 - 11:00


Session: Presentations and Workshop

Session Chair: Chris Seebregts

11:00 - 12:30

Refine Proposals and Establish Working Groups


12:30 - 13:00

Action Review

Chris Seebregts

12:45 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 17:00

Networking on veranda

Action Review

What was supposed to happen?

  • Meet new members of the team
  • Bring people together and develop relationships not only between implementers and developers, but also between implementers themselves
  • Discuss capacity building
  • Learn about new features in OpenMRS
  • Give people the confidence in OpenMRS, showing progress to date
  • Advance the state of the art
  • Meeting as many new people as possible and understanding their needs and desires
  • Did not plan to have fun
  • Learn about evaluation tools for OpenMRS (document the problems and to document the effects of OpenMRS)
  • Learn who was working on what
  • Technical meeting early to accommodate the Friday holiday
  • Did not expect conversation of policy and capacity building
  • Expected to see rapid development tools
  • Expected to learn about how to implement OpenMRS

What actually happened

  • Met new team members
  • Discussed capacity building
  • Learned about exciting new features, but they went by quickly
  • "The meeting was a big success"
  • Did not get a good feel of how OpenMRS is supporting users
  • Auto installer was demonstrated
  • Developers, Implementers, and Users were able to interact and better understand where things stand
  • We saw demonstrations of promising mobile technologies
  • Fun was had by all
  • We did not cover formal evaluation tools
  • We did not hear about feedback from implementation questionnaires

What do we do from here

  • Consider having meetings for different needs or change future meetings to meet various needs
    • Are we ready for a separate users meeting (policy and user issues)?
    • Many spoke of the importance of allowing developers, implementers, users, and policy makers to interact
  • Technical day should be preceded by an overview
  • Bring OpenMRS team members to non-OpenMRS meetings
  • More time for break out sessions and informal discussion
  • Would like OpenMRS available on CDs for those without easy network access
  • Need to define the road map or blueprint for scaling OpenMRS to meet the needs
  • Mobile technology should be high on the agenda
  • Aim to show evaluation tools at next year's meeting
    • Add evaluation working group
  • Update the wiki during the conference like Burke did (best with someone that is not Burke)
  • Continue to encourage everyone to participate (except Elaine)
  • Next year's meeting
    • Select another venue. Rwanda?
    • Consider meeting twice a year (once in Rwanda and another time at Paul's house – Paul's paying) — "it doesn't hurt to ask"
    • Build on the success of the prior two years considering smaller, more focused meetings (similar to AMIA's Spring Conference)
  • Link an OpenMRS meeting to other activities (e.g., HELINA)
    • Could encourage OpenMRS folk to meet at other conferences
    • e.g., smaller mid-year meeting could be attached to another meeting
  • Avoid back-to-back conferences if possible

    *Teleconferenced meetings?

    • Volunteers to work on this: Hamish, Chris S., Paul
  • Take best advantage of our existing electronic technologies — feed the wiki and mailing lists
