Summer Of Code 2009 Application

*Student application deadline was
Friday, 5:00 PM PDT 3-April-2009
(00:00 UTC April 4, 2009)*

Students interested in applying to GSoC 2009 to work on an OpenMRS project were asked to complete a Google Summer of Code 2009 application and provide the following information:

  1. Who are you? What are you studying? What country are you from?

  2. Which project are you applying for?

  3. Please provide your thoughts about how you would approach the project.

  4. Provide a draft roadmap for how you would spend your time over the summer.

  5. Why are you the right person for this task?

  6. Do you have any other commitments that we should know about?

  7. List your Java experience.

  8. List your web interface experience.

  9. List your history with open source projects.

  10. Please provide links to websites created by you and/or source code examples.

  11. Do you have experience with Spring/Hibernate/DWR/HL7/Tomcat/MySQL/AOP? (Experience with any/all is not a requirement)

  12. What is your preferred method of contact? (Phone, email, Skype, IRC, IM, etc.) Please provide an e-mail address, since Google will not automatically share your e-mail address with us.

  13. If you have visited our IRC channel, please include your IRC nickname in your application.

For the list of OpenMRS project ideas, see Summer Of Code 2009.