Further Improvements to Addons

Further Improvements to Addons


Primary mentor

@Darius Jazayeri

Backup mentor

@Nathan Ruhanga

Assigned to

@Reuben Varghese



The OpenMRS platform can be extended via two kinds of add-ons: (1) Modules, and (2) Open Web Apps.

Originally we built an "OpenMRS Module Repository" where people could upload their modules, but now days there are lots of other repositories where people can publish the code they build, and we want to support a distributed ecosystem that allows people in the community to publish their OpenMRS add-ons wherever they want, as GitHub Releases, to Bintray, to Maven, etc. So the Module Repository has been replaced with an "Add-On Index."

The goal of this project is to make various enhancements to OpenMRS Addons, making it easier for end-users to sign up for updates, show module and tag stats, and add support for Github releases.

Project Champions

Skills Needed

  • Familiarity with modern JavaScript (ReactJS + Webpack for the front-end)

  • Java (Spring Boot for the back-end)

  • Experience working with RESTful Web Services


  1. Let users sign up for email updates about specific add-ons

  2. Highlight most-recently updated module, and most-downloaded modules on the home page

  3. Tag cloud (or simple list) showing common tags

  4. Show ratings (from bintray)

  5. Add support for GitHub releases

Extra Credit



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