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  • Monitoring Scrums
  • Technical Roadmap
  • 2.4 activities


Summary of scrumsDarius
  • have a BOT omrs-scrum-bot that is monitoring the activities happening in scrums
  • scrums are happening quickly wondering if we can communicate as to create more synergy
  • use scrum would like to see scrums used to figure out what to do about blockers if it needs more time to resolve then taking it offline
Community Development Status

Action items


  • currently there are 5 broken builds - this on the OpenMRSBot. how are we getting broken builds looked at and fixed?
  • Burke updated wiki page to 
  • tickets showing in "review/testing" that believe need to moved back to "working" or "closed"
  • omrs-scrum bot is a tool for the community dev lead would follow up on in progress tickets
  • would like to work towards having other community members be part of the Community Development Swim Lane schedule
Platform 1.12
  • need update on progress
  • should we be scheduling a showcase of the release?
Platform 2.0Mayank

Action items

  •  Daniel Kayiwa (community dev lead) will follow up on the six in progress tickets for scrums
  •  Darius Jazayeri will get an update on Platform 1.2