2005-12-08 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>Attendees: Hamish, Darius, Christian, Paul, Ben, Burke

  • PIH has welcomed Michael to their team to work on Peru stuff

  • Hamish stated that Chris Sebrecht has made quite a lot of progress toward getting resources and is enthusiastic to help

  • RG will be in Kenya approx Feb 8th for ~one week to install software, back in mid-March for training

  • API function requests

    • PIH writing interfaces for analysis & reporting

    • Building concrete instances of most common functionality

  • Burke talked about Services and DAO levels — Ben and Burke to make changes

  • Discussion of speed issues in aggregation of data

  • Paul introduced idea of the OCC (OpenMRS Concept Co-op)

  • Hamish, Paul, and Chris to discuss plans of concept management


