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Quality Assurance Support Team Roadmap

(Full Product Roadmap here)

(tick) Done

Recent Work Completed

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What We're Working on Today

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Next Priorities*

Legacy selenium test rewrite to Cucumber Framework

Legacy selenium tests are being translated to the cucumber framework for the purposes of maintainability and eliminating dependencies that arose when the tests were migrated to the QAFramework module. 


Rest API Test Automation

The Platform team used to manually test and track the REST API end points.  The collaboration between the Platform team and QA support ensured that the tests are now tracked through the QA dashboard and automated missing REST API end points.


OpenMRS QAFramework Module

Migrated the utilities and pages from RefApp distro, and uitestframework module into the openmrs-contrib-qaframework and integrated github action to run at every single pull request.


QA-KenyaEMR set up and support

The QA support team has been working collaboratively with Palladium Kenya to set up a QA automation framework for the KenyaEMR.


Platform set-up wizard test

Modifying existing tests to meet current requirements of the platform team


Integration of Heroku

This is to assist in testing changes in unmerged pull requests before being merged to the master.

Opted to use github actions which replace heroku


OpenMRS 3.0 Test Automation

As development of OpenMRS 3.0 progressively evolves, so are the tests being developed using the cucumber-Cypress integration. Ensuring the two processes are happening simultaneously.


Documentation Revamp

Developing and updating the QA documentation 


Security XSS vulnerability Testing

Resurrection of sonarqube  with the aim of helping the team to identify and resolve code vulnerabilities.


Expanding the QA portfolio

Investigate and determine additional focus areas to be supported by the QA Support team under the QA testing pyramid. Proposed areas by the community: accessibility testing and performance testing


Parking Lot: Topics for Subsequent Meetings


Meeting Notes

2023 October


Attendees: Mutagubya Jonathan Ayush Mishra , Veronica, Edison

Mutagubya Jonathan 
Almost done with the work on fixing on of the test for 2.x and will create the PR by next week.

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Ayush Mishra 
this pr got merged
Currently working on fixing the test for the esm-appointments-app. 
Also found one of the bug that was there due to the missing scripts in package.json of the esm-appointments-app. Will create the issue soon

2023 September




Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Ayush Mishra Mutagubya Jonathan Dennis Kigen (Unlicensed) Randila Premarathne 

Anjula Samarasinghe 
 Closed the webpack PR since it won't fixed the issue

Randila Premarathne 
  mark will setup e2e tests for fast data entry

Dennis Kigen (Unlicensed) 
Facing some issues with the fixing form builder failing issues 

Ayush Mishra 

patient chart
worked on visit form component tests in patient chart
vineet suggested more test cases

looked into lint issues unused functions and variables are not getting detected
dennis worked on some eslint improvements for form builder and will push some updates


Attendees: Ayush Mishra  Randila Premarathne Jayasanka Weerasinghe 

  • Randila updated the Epic for E2E tests
    • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    • TODO: Identify test cases for a repository
    • TODO: Work on setting up a repository (fast data entry app)
  • Ayush:
    • TODO: wrap patient chart tests
    • TODO: fix form hooks tests
  • TODO: Dilshan work on writing a new test


Attendees:Piumal Rathnayake Jayasanka Weerasinghe Ayush Mishra Kakumirizi Daud Pahan, 

2023 August


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra @EDISON


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra Jayasanka Weerasinghe Kakumirizi Daud 


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra Jayasanka Weerasinghe Njidda Salifu Ayush Mishra Mutagubya Jonathan 


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe  Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra Jayasanka Weerasinghe 

  • Ayush
    • Started working on writing test for the esm-patient-search-app
    • Fixed the Previous PRs.


  • Create an epic for esm-patient-search-app
  • complete tests for compact-patient-search.component.tsx
  • Try to complete the tests for esm-patient-search-app


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe  Randila Premarathne Njidda Salifu 

  • 3.x
    • Randila Premarathne 
    • Anjula Samarasinghe 
      • I research about some tools we can use for the load performance testing
      • I sent a PR the webpack in the core
      • Was preparing for the OMRS23 lighting talk
      • Delivered today OMRS23
      • Need double check the webpack
      • Had a call with valentine regading the kenyEMR testing

2023 July


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe  Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra 

  • Unit & integration
    • Ayush Mishra
      • Continued working on patient management tests
      • Working on the text person attribute component tests
      • One of the PRs got merged

  • Capstone
    • Ethohri still working on the bug
    • Anjula Samarasinghe needs to have a discussion regarding the project since the ethiohri server is still down


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe  Randila Premarathne Jayasanka Weerasinghe Piumal Rathnayake  Panendhar


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe  Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra Jayasanka Weerasinghe Piumal Rathnayake 


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Mutagubya Jonathan Randila Premarathne Daniel Kayiwa Ayush Mishra 

  • 2.x e2e
    • There wasn't any updates
  • 3.x
    • Ayush Mishra :
      • Work on the epic: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      • Working on the : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      • Working on the: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    • Anjula Samarasinghe :
      • Work on Ethiohri e2e tests and unit and integration tests
      • Having issues with ethiohri docker backend
      • Had a call with the ethiohri team
      • Working on merging the first PR with Unit and integration tests
    • Randila Premarathne :
      • Sent PR for add program e2e tests and add notes e2e test
      • Having issues with loading the UI when running the tests
      • Work on current PRs requested changes

2023 June


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake Randila Premarathne Ayush Mishra Mutagubya Jonathan , Edison

  • 2.x E2E
    • There was an issue with the node version. Piumal updated it
  • 3.x E2E
    • Randila Premarathne :
      • TODO: Fix allergy test, having some trouble locating the table. 
        • Use table tags.
      • TODO: 
        • Vital and biometrics Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
        • Medications Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    • Anjula Samarasinghe
      • E2E test on form builder
        • Was failing due to web pack issue. The reason is the webpack server restarts whenever playwright creates a new file for the report
        • TODO: Dennis Kigen fix the issue
        • TODO: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. check with Malindu Nimalsiri 
      • Capstone project: 
        • Had the initial call with Dagim
        • Granted access to relevant channels
        • Next steps:
          • TODO: Go through ETHIOHRI repos to identify what to prioritise
          • TODO: Deliverable: A document with the scope  
    • Piumal Rathnayake :
    • BDD Steps
      • Malindu
    • Dennis Kigen reformatted the code with OMRS naming conventions
  • Unit integration
    • Ayush Mishra 
      • Worked on patient registration tests
        • Fixed the failing test on patient demographic
        • Start working on patient identifier
          • Blocker: there are two context
          • TODO: Create a talk thread or slack chat on help me channel? 
      • TODO: Complete the identifier input on registration
      • TODO: 
        • Write one or two more test cases on patient registration
  • Running E2E on bamboo:
    • Jayasanka Weerasinghe 
      • Worked on getting playwright container to generate the report. 
        • Blocker: Bamboo agent do not have sufficient per
        •  TODO: followup with Burke regarding ssh access
        • TODO: Next week: configure playwright container to use a non-root user. To get the tests run on bamboo.


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake  Mutagubya Jonathan Njidda Salifu Jayasanka Weerasinghe Randila Premarathne Daniel Kayiwa 

  • 2.x e2e
    • removed the duplicated ocl tests
    • need to check the reliability and performance
  • 3.x
    • patient chart e2e test setup is almost done will work on the patient allergies workflow
    • form builder test coverage is almost done need to improve the form creation tests, and the interactive builder
      • fix the form deletion issues
      • added the form publication tests need to be reviewed
    • create tickets to add the test steps to the existing tests
    • add the test docs to the new o3 doc
    • bamboo new strategy - use playwright container instead of installing them

2023 May


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake  Randila Premarathne

  • 2.x e2e:
    • Anjula:
      • 2.x tests were only running on firefox
      • Updated the workflows to run with both chrome and Firefox
      • Platform test failed, Fixed it
    • Piumal:
      • Removed duplicate ocl module test
      • Removed cypress
      • Will continue work on automatic driver updates
  • 3.x e2e:
    • Randila:
      • Setting up patient-chart for playwright tests
      • Still under review
      • Will work on allergies e2e tests
    • Anjula:
      • Completed the form builder edit form test
    • Received 2 pre from Hadijah and Dennis
      • TODO: Review
    • Jayasanka’s PR got merged
      • TODO: create tickets for other e2e tests
    • TODO: update e2e test wiki
    • TODO: link wiki pages to the repos

2023 April


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake  Ayush Mishra Mutagubya Jonathan Njidda Salifu Jayasanka Weerasinghe Randila Premarathne 

  • 3.x tests

    • OCL tests are configured

      • OCL test case PR still under review

    • Reloading issue in the form builder it’s blocked for jessie, ayush

    • Two funders are requesting test coverage with BDD coverage specially on the e2e tests

      • came up with playwright feature in order to achieve this

      • we can define steps

      • cannot use cucumber out of the box need use cucumber js, need to sacrifice some playwright features

  • 3.x manual tests

    • Looked into xray extension

    • can create tests as tickets and add steps

  • 2.x tests

    • jonathan is still working on the issue

    • Unit & integration tests

    • aysush select input component test anjula reviewed the PR

    • created two more PRs


Attendees: Anjula Samarasinghe Piumal Rathnayake  JESSIE SSEBULIBA Ayush Mishra

  • 2.x e2e test coverage:
  • 3.x e2e test coverage:
  • Started configuring e2e for form builder and OCL module
  • Need merge access for the repos
  • Created epic for form builder e2e tests:
  • Facing some difficulties
  • TODO: Create a thread
  • Created epic for OCL Subscription module e2e tests
  • Unit & Integration tests:
  • TODO: Create tickets for the issues
  • Created a sample test plan document
  • Checking the possibility of using Jira Xray


Attendees: Jayasanka Weerasinghe  Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Dilan Gamage Ayush Mishra Daniel Kayiwa 

  • 3.x tests
    • Anjula update the Workflow doc:
      • Service queues are not working in O3, but works in Kenya EMR
        • Follow up with the MF squad and find the reason
      • Some e2e workflows are blocked
        • Follow up with the team
    • Initiate e2e tests on Form Builder:
      • Todo: Anjula will identify the test cases, functionalities
    • Piumal Fixed the workflow error.
      • testOnPush job is passing
      • Docker container takes around 20 minutes to start
    • Todo: Come up on the O3 test plan - Piumal
    • Initiate e2e tests on OCL Subscription Module - Piumal
  • CI Integration
    • Jayasanka Working on CI Integration
    • Checked Demo data generations issue
  • Ayush had some difficulties in setting up the environment
    • Suggested to use the dev server to utilise the resources
    • Todo: Create a thread on other issues

2023 March


Attendees: Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Randila Premarathne Chiran govinna Jayasanka Weerasinghe Ayush Mishra 


Attendees: Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Randila Premarathne Daniel Kayiwa Chiran govinna Ayush Mishra 

  • Mini Community Meeting
    • Jayasanka, Anjula, Piumal presented the QA Support Team updates on the mini community meeting

  • 3.x E2E tests coverage on esm-patient-management repo
    • Anjula:

      • Disabled playwright cross browser testing

      • Had a discussion with Dennis

        • Donald has sent a PR for fixing the patient-appointments issue

      • Working on the active visits e2e test

        • Looking for the endpoints required for creating medications, active visits

    • Piumal:

    • Randila:

      • Removed retry option in tests
      • Updated the playwright video recording configuration
  • Unit & Integration tests:
    • Finalised the document and added a new Gsoc project on implementing the test strategy
    • Main requirements of the project are:
      • Rewriting the existing tests to work with MockServiceWorker
      • Improve the coverage by writing missing tests and improving the existing tests


Attendees: Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Juliet Wamalwa  Sibendire Joshua , SSEBAANA Suubi Joshua Ivan Nsookwa 

2023 February


Attendees: Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Jayasanka Weerasinghe Daniel Kayiwa Irene Nyakate, Madhawa Monarawila, Chiran govinna , Sarguroh Tasmia 


Attendees: Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Daniel Kayiwa Irene Nyakate Madhawa Monarawila, Edison Meks, Sibendire Joshua, thembo jonathan , Chiran govinna , Sarguroh Tasmia

  • Update on fixing 2.x flaky E2E tests

    • Chiran is working on the Clinical visit test ( Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. )
  • 3.x E2E tests coverage on esm-patient-management repo
    • Anjula is working on the appointments e2e test
      •  Blocker:
        • Scheduled appointments are not showing in the table
        • Created a ticket and it is already assigned to a contributor
      • Can complete this after the ticket is resolved
    • Anjula started working on 3.x Active visit test
      • No issues with manual workflow
    • Piumal started working on 3.x Patient lists test
      • Blocker:
        • Patient list page is not accessible due to an error in the backend
        • Root cause: Deleting a cohort type which was associated with a patient list.
        • Daniel will help to fix this error


Attendees: Joshua Nsereko Piumal Rathnayake Anjula Samarasinghe Ian Bacher Grace Potma Jayasanka Weerasinghe Daniel Kayiwa Kakumirizi Daud Randila Premarathne Dilan Gamage herman muhereza Irene Nyakate 


Attendees:  Kakumirizi Daud , Daniel Kayiwa, herman muhereza , Piumal Rathnayake , Anjula Samarasinghe , Joshua Nsereko , thembo jonathan, Irene Nyakate , Edison Meks, Sibendire Joshua, Madhawa Monarawila, 

2023 January


Attendees:  Jayasanka Weerasinghe , Daniel, herman muhereza , Piumal Rathnayake , Anjula Samarasinghe , Randila Premarathne , Dilan, 

  • Platform 2.6.0 Alpha Testing
  • Contrib QA framework
    • Piumal tried to setup but couldn't get run tests locally
  •  3.x E2E
    • Base PR is merged
    • There's an issue with `testOnMergeJob`
      • TODO: Piumal fix Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    • Workflows for patient management needs to be finalised: Link to the doc
      • TODO: Jayasanka Create issues for existing workflows
      • TODO: Anjula finalise workflows


Attendees: Dilina, Josh, Jayasanka Weerasinghe , Daniel Kayiwa , Gajindu Bandara , Piumal Rathnayake , herman muhereza , thembo jonathan , Madhawa

  • Platform 2.6.0 Alpha Testing

    • Jayasanka Weerasinghe will investigate the bamboo CI build failure.
    • Herman Muhereza will try to run the contrib-qa-framework pointing to the deployment.
  • Base E2E PR Merging

    • Need to add environment variables to the repo.
    • Jayasanka Weerasinghe will write to the help desk for assistance.
  • Expanding 3.x Test Coverage

    • New volunteers are encouraged to set up the environment by following the provided readme file.
    • Jayasanka Weerasinghe is working on drafting a document for possible E2E workflows and will convert them into issues for implementation.

2022 December


Attendees: Juliet, Joshua, Irene, Randila, Daniel, Jayasanka

Jayasanka Weerasinghe 

Joshua Nsereko 

  • Worked on making offline tests pass
  • Blocker
    • The registration test is failing and couldn't debug
    • solution: use `–headed` argument to run tests in headed mode

Next steps:

2022 November


Attendees: Daniel, Jayasanka, Joshua, Piumal, Daud

Joshua Nsereko :

  • Working on removing cucumber
    • Blocker: tests are not running as expected
    • Solution:
      • We can have only one `it` block per test

Jayasanka Weerasinghe :

  • Distribution 3.x E2E is passing! 
  • Created a GH actions to run E2E tests on PRs: Link
  • Is there a way to reduce the spin up time?
    • Using a DB dump would significantly reduce the time needed to startup
  • Evaluated playwright
    • Wrote some existing tests using playwright on patient-management repo
    • Key takeaways:
      • We can do almost everything we do now with it,
      • It appears to be far superior to cypress.
      • Having e2e tests on repository itself would improve the developer experience

Next week:

  • Joshua Nsereko : Make sure offline tests are up to date and integrate them with the pipeline


Attendees: Joshua, Daniel, Irene, Jayasanka




Attendees: Grace, Jayasanka, Irene



Attendees: Joshua, Daniel, Grace, Jayasanka, Christine


  • Went through current QA implementations
  • Issues with current E2E setup
    • Developer engagement is low
    • It's not providing immediate feedback for developers
    • Do not get enough developer attention
  • Reasons might be:
    • Tests are not running against PRs
    • The current process is not a part of the development workflow
    • E2E tests are maintained by QA team, not O3 developers
  • One possible solution would be:
    • Come up with a repository specific E2E test
    • Tests runs on PR so that developers can fix issues / update tests within the PR itself
    • Run tests on deployments
    • Come up with good documentation of E2E expectation and best practices
  • Goal:
    • To make E2E tests a part of development workflow
    • Improve developer engagement
    • Immediate feedbacks
    • Level up the confidence
  • This week:
    • Try to come up with a POC

2022 October


Attendees: Joshua,Kdaud, Jonathan thembo and abert namaya 

Technical updates:


  • Working on the following issues:
    • All tests in the above link are running in bamboo.
  • Next week: look into o3 smoke tests such as patient registration, login, offline tools, form in works spaces. They will run in github actions.
  • In o3 the following tests are failing: Patient registrations and clinical visits.

Things to note:

Aim to have stable tests

2022 September 


Attendees: Joshua, Jayasanka, Juliet, Pasindu, Herman

General updates


Attendees: Joshua, Christine and Jayasanka

Regrets: Irene & Juliet



General updates

  • Joshua was working on the clinical visit which is correcting the banner issue.
  • QA Github actions is also failing in addition to the Bamboo which has issues with core.
  • OpenMRS 3.0: There are 11 workflows currently present.
    • Jayasanka is currently reviewing 3 tickets that need to be merged.
    • Pasindu is working on the closing report for the GSOC project.

2022 August


Attendees: Joshua, Christine, Juliet, irene , Daniel,  herman and tendayi




General updates

QA in OpenMRS 3.0


Attendees: Joshua, Christine, Daud, Tendayi and Juliet




General updates

  • Docker o3 issue was resolved but is still failing in the CI pipeline.
    • Joshua will follow up with Rafal so as to resolve this issue. 
  • GSOC will be ending in mid September.
  • QA CI Pipeline is still failing. Daud and Sharif are still looking into the issue.
  • Herman: Working on the location management issue .  


Attendees: Daud, Sharif, Joshua, Pasindu, Daniel, Christine, Herman, Ruth.

Regrets: Irene 



Technical updates:


Attendees: Irene, Daud, Sharif, Joshua, Jayasanka, Pasindu, Gajindu, Daniel, Herman




Technical updates:

RefApp BDD testing:

  • More one ticket for Refapp 2.x BDD, still on the board, members encouraged to pick and work on it to clear our board


  • More tickets are still on the board, members encouraged to pick and work on them so the kanban can be clean

OpenMRS 3 testing:

Joshua Nsereko is following up on The Patient chart component is loading forever in local (docker) instance. by reaching raff 

A.O.B: Praying for peace to prevail in Kenya even after elections

2022 July


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan,, Pasindu, Jayasanka, Juliet, kdaud, Grace potma, Herman




2022 June


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan,, Pasindu, Jayasanka, Juliet, kdaud, Grace potma, Herma




OpenMRS 3 testing:

  • There seems to be multiple testing initiatives such from ICAP and Rwanda
  • Grace checking to with Todd on the testing
  • Pasindu creating a CI pipeline with a QA dashboard.


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan,, Pasindu, Juliet, kdaud, Grace potma, Jen Antilla




O3 testing 

O3 Pipeline visual (yeah, it's chaotic, but I'm trying to fix that)


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan,, Pasindu, Juliet, Daniel, herman, Grace




Technical updates and challenges:


Tickets worked on:

Issues created from the UAT on the login and clinical workflows

Advise on the ticket: QFU-2: Visit Note

  • Create a ticket for viewing a visit note.
  • Combine the functionality save a visti note as a PDF and Print PDF to one test such as downloading visit note.

Facing challenge:


Facing a challenge with the docker image:

OpenMRS 3 testing

OpenMRS 3.x Requirements Rubric (QA Spreadsheet)

Interested team members to take part in testing: Irene, Jonathan and herman 

2022 May


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan, Herman, Pasindu, Juliet, Daniel, Abert 




Happy FHIR patient domain update

  • This will run on every instance of a pull request on docker.
  • Integration test will check on ensuring the system does on break on every pull request.
  • FHIR integration runs successfully  in OpenMRS with an actual patient data.
  • Patient Domain: OpenMRS is integrated with FHIR and at its core.

Adjustment to 3.x Frontend Process - “Test” Environment


Attendees: Kdaud, Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan, Herman,





Attendees: Kdaud, Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan, Herman,





Attendees: Kdaud, Christine, Irene, Sharif, Jonathan, Herman,




QA presentation: Juliet and Irene to share a final draft of the presentation on Thursday.

Technical updates: 

Joshua Nsereko: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

OpenMRS 3 Servers:

2022 April


Attendees: Kdaud, Juliet, Christine, Joshua, Jonathan,



Agenda: Call cancelled due to no quorum


Attendees: Kdaud, Juliet, Christine, Joshua, Jonathan,




April 2022 meeting presentation:

Juliet working on the video presentation.

Achievements to include: Platform tests,  Selenium-cucumber migration and UAT for automated tests.


Attendees: Kdaud, Juliet, Abert Namanya, Christine, Jennifer, irene, daniel , sharif




  • User acceptance testing
  • Performance testing tools:
    • Christine to look into additional tools for comparison and help in decision making.
  • Technical :

2022 March


Attendees: Kdaud, Juliet, Abert Namanya, Christine, Jennifer, Jonathan, Daniel , Irene

Regrets: Grace Potma



  • Technical updates
    • Sharif
      • Working on failing issues on the CI.
      • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    • Daud
      • Ressurected the OCL test and as well added one more  platform test known as Platform Testing Intallation. These tests are now being reflected on the dashboard
    • Juliet:
      • Working on the patient management. 
      • Currently stuck on the browser drivers.
    • Jonathan:
      • Working on the visit note
      • faced with failures with Qa server hence have resorted to SDK and will soon to raise up the PR course.
    • Irene:


Attendees:  Daniel, Jenifer, Potma, Daud, Sharif, Juliet, Sharif, Jonathan, Irene

Regrets: Christine



  • Quick updates:
    • Call timing to be retained as follows: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle
    • April Community meeting will take place on 20th 
      • Presentations and demos are welcome.
  • User Acceptance testing of the automated tests
    • The Sprint will kick off on Thursday 24/03/2022
  • Grace Potma to come up with a talk post concerning with performance testing for RefApp 3.x
    • Finding out an appropriate tool that can be used to carry out performance testing on a system: Responsiveness and workload
  • Technical updates

Irene Nyakate:


  • Working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  • Working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  •      Working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Attendees: Christine G, Grace P, Christine , Pasindu, Kumuditha, Sumedha, Juliet, Irene Nyakate




  • Quick updates:
    • Call timing to be retained as follows: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle
    • April Community meeting will take place on 20th 
      • Presentations and demos are welcome.
  • User Acceptance testing of the automated tests
    • Create a sprint planning 
    • Develop the criteria
      • Create a spreadsheet.
        • Perform an internal review by conducting a UAT.
          • Requirements: Volunteers,  access to the BBD steps and tracking spreadsheet. 
  • Technical updates

Irene Nyakate


Attendees: Daniel, Daud, sharif ,Juliet Wamalwa , Abert Namaya, Christine Gichuki




  • Quick updates:
    • Call timing. DST change on 13 March 2022
      • QA  support call will move 9:30pm IST | 7pm Nairobi | 6 pm Cape Town | 4pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle
    • April Community meeting.
      • Presentations and demos are welcome.
  • Technical updates


  • Working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  • Working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  • Working on  
    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Attendees: Christine, Irene, Sharif, Anjula, Kumiditha, Daud, Herman, Joshua, Piumal, Pasindu, Juliet, Jonathan




  • Dockerisation
  • Technical updates

Technical updates


  • Has not progressed much. Trying to find out how to install and configure mysql and tomcat on ubuntu 20.04. This has blocked her from successfully setting up sdk. 
  • Getting support from Irene and Sharif will share documentation on linux setup


Irene Nyakate


Added platform UI tests and now running on every push done openmrs-core, distro-referenceapplication and qaframework


  • working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. and Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • PR for the first ticket is at with build failures that is being figured out

2022 February


Attendees: Christine Gichuki, Sharif, Jennifer Antilla, Deb , kdaud, Kumuditha Karunarathna, Sumedha Karunarathna, Irene Nyakate, Daniel, Juliet

Regrets: herman, jonathan



Quick updates:

QA blog is live :

Appointment management workflow:

Technical updates

Irene Nyakate

  • Also Working on - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  • A request has been made to the team working on the 3.x dockerization to share a demo and recommendations when converting tests to run in docker.

Kumuditha Karunarathna, Sumedha Karunarathna

  • Ian have added the missing data in the docker MYSQL database and the team is working on migrating the remaining tests to run in a dockerized environment.


Attendees: Christine Gichuki, Kdaud, Jennifer Antilla, Grace potma, Irene Nyakate, Daniel, Piumal Rathnayake, Pasindu Rupasinghe, Kumuditha Karunarathna, Anjula Samarasinghe, GraceBish, Joshua Nsereko, noah

Regrets: Sharif, Juliet and Herman



Quick updates:

Technical updates

Irene Nyakate

- Still working on the Appointment management workflow - Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Test runs well but still changing some element selectors
  • Demo provided but will be played next week due to time constraints

Daud added platform installation and set up wizard tests. See Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Currently working on platform tests running immediately on every openmrs-core commit.

Piumal Rathnayake, Pasindu Rupasinghe, Kumuditha Karunarathna, Anjula Samarasinghe


Attendees: Christine Gichuki, Jennifer Antilla, Abert Namaya, Kumuditha Karunarathna, Anjula Samarasinghe, Sumedha Karunarathna, Pasindu Rupasinghe , Juliet , Irene, Daniel, Sharif, Jonathan, Herman,Daud




Quick updates:

Note taking:

  • The note-taking will be a joint effort where each member present will log their presence, updates and any discussions brought up.
  • To access the notes page click on this link:OpenMRS Quality Assurance Support Team
    • Login to the wiki and click on the edit button.
    • Navigate to today's notes section and proceed to indicate your notes.
    • Once done click on the update button.

Technical updates 

Irene Nyakate

Sumedha Karunarathna

  • User setting tests fails due to some bugs
    • The logout button doesn’t appear in the UI sometimes (random occurrences), which causes the test to fail.
    • After clicking the logout button it doesn’t redirect back to the login page(random occurrences)

Juliet Wamalwa

Anjula Samarasinghe, Kumuditha Karunarathna, Pasindu Rupasinghe, Piumal Rathnayake


  • currently working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. which is catering for joining up on the legacy selenium tests about visits.
  • the pull request is at .
  • also shared a challenge with the openMRS SDK which daniel will be lookung into


Attendees: Sharif, Irene Nyakate, Kdaud, Juliet, Pasindu, Gracebish, Lilian Mathu,herman, jennifer




Documentation to review :

The FHIR squad is currently looking into how to set the FHIR IG testing approach 

Important links: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

2022 January


Attendees: Sharif, Irene Nyakate, Jonathan, Kdaud, Tendo Martyn, Juliet, Sumedha karunarathna, 






  • Working on appointment management workflows and is currently working on the reviews
  • Challenges: The tests are unstable especially where the xpath is being used. trying to find a better selector for locating the elements.
  • Visit feature management in which she has already combined 8 out of the 9 tests.
  • PR:


  • Working on implementing the tests to run on Docker instead of being dependent on the browser.


Worked on the tests below which have been merged.

3.X test:

Kumuditha is working on dockerised test on patient search and will be sending in a pull request. This is proof of concept which lead to all the other test being dockerised. 

GraceBish: working on the ticket 302


Proposals on engaging and understanding with the work:

  • Review available documentation.
  • Attend the FHIR squad calls 


Attendees: Grace Potma, Grace Nakiguli, Jonathan



Migrated the E2E test to O3 server

Reverted the changes 


Pull request needs review:






Call timing:

QA call to be taking place 6pm EAT /8:30pm IST/7:00am  Seattle

Palladium Implementation QA Implementation support

There will be weekly meetings every Thursday at 3pm EAT/5:30pm IST/4am Seattle.

Would like a proof of concept by end on this quater.

Heroku application:

Con: only allows manual deployment.

Discussion on the tool is on going here:

Technical updates

3.X updates:

Platform Updates:

Kdaud added for tests now 2 two are pending

Irene is working on feedback from her pull request.

Ivan is having challenges on the Mark patient as deceased.



working on migration scripts

There is ongoing work with integration with the sonar cube.


Attendees:  Sarah Elder, Christine, Juliet, Jonathan, Kumuditha, Jayasanka, Piumal, Kdaud, Irene, Tayebwa Noah, Jen, Pasindu, Daniel, Herman, Sharif.

Regrets: Grace


QA OHRI boot camp session.

Session Content

Learning Activity




Webinar Presentation

Overview of Quality Assurance at OpenMRS

1 hour

OpenMRS QA presentation_OHRI Dev Fundamentals


Quality Assurance Automation Framework:Basics

1 hour

Reading and Videos

Quality Assurance Automation: Reference application 3.x (Cypress-Cucumber Integration)

2 hours


Technical support to help with answering technical questions on October 26 at 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle.

Technical updates.

3.X updates:

Link to the slide deck:


Attendees:  Anjula, Christine, Herman22, Piumal, Jayasanka, Kumuditha, Jonathan,Irene Nyakate, Sharif, Pasindu, Daniel, grace potma, Noah, Piumal, Sarah elder, kdaud, Tendo

Regrets: Jennifer


Test runs per PR commit

Technical Updates

  • No major issues.


Attendees: Anjula Shanaka, Irene, Jonathan, Kumuditha, Tendo, Juliet wamalwa, Jayasanka, Piumal Rathnayake, Pasindu,  Jen Antilla, Heshan, Noah Ndacyayisenga, Herman 22, sarah Elder



Quick updates

  • OpenHIE is currently on-going: 5-8 October 2021.
  • OHRI boot camp QA session: October 18th to 21st.

Platform testing

Technical updates




  • Working on the Issue 224


Attendees: Juliet Wamalwa, Gracebish, Jayasanka, anjula, Jonathan, sharif, Noah, Irene, Pasindu, Tendo, Daniel,Joshua  Nsereko, 



Quick updates

  • OpenHIE happening next week: 5-8 October 2021.
  • OHRI boot camp QA session: October 18th to 21st.

Platform testing

Technical updates

Irene: working on:


  • Working on the RATEST  234 and RATEST 236 


  • working on deleting allergies and conditions.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.



  • Migrating the QA pages and refactoring the QA pages to a module.
  • Facing challenges with dependencies.



  • Looking into the use of Sonar Cube.


Attendees: Juliet, Jonathan, Jen, Christine,kdaud, Sarah elder,Noah,Sharif , Daniel.

Regrets: Grace P


Platform Testing

Possible tools:

  • Swagger
  • Karate
  • Jmeter
  • Postman

Things to consider when evaluating the tools:

  • Sustainability
  • Conformance to standards and guidelines.
  • Reusability of existing resources

Technical updates

Security testing update:


  • RATEST 223: Working on this since last week and is currently working on fixing the ticket.



  • working on Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.



  • Added two test: User account and location management.


  • working on the clinical work flow improvement to include adding and deleting allergies and conditions on the patient dashboard.


Attendees: Juliet, Jonathan, GraceBish, Sharif, Tendo, Irene, kdaud, Grace Potma, Jen, Herman,Irene, Tendo, Daniel,Christine



Technical updates

Implementing the QA framework in other Java modules(OCL)

  • Focus has mainly dictionary manager.
  • Need to focus OCL module.

Platform testing


Attendees: Jayasanka, Jonathan, Sharif, Gracebish, Kdaud, Christine, GraceP, Jen Antilla, Pasindu, Ivan , Joshua, Tayabwe, Sarah , Irene.

Regrets: Juliet


Quick Updates:

QA Board Higlights:

 Added tickets include:

  • RATEST-226: New Test: Patient Dashboard Editing Patient Demographics.
  • RATEST-225: New Test: Patient Dashboard adding/deleting Allergies and conditions
  • RATEST-224: E2E Test: Running reports.

Technical Updates:

  • 3.0 Framework:
    • Had two failing tests. 
    • Given tests are failing in github actions from time to time , the team should try to run the tests on Bamboo.
      • Daud to create a ticket and assign Jayasanka and guide him on setting on Bamboo.
  • 2.0 framework:
    • Sharif:
      • Working on the
        • Registration and patient search workflow test.
          • Registration is complete and merged.
        • Vitals and triage for the 3.0 framework
        • Coveralls support.
          • Challenge was activating Coveralls using Github.
    • Ivan:
      • Working on finding the pager head ticket.
    • Irene:
      • Working on the
        • Vital and triage extension ticket: RATEST-204
        • Update editVitals functionalities on editNotePage: RATEST-223 
    • Tayebwa:
      • Encountering challenges in setting up the development environment.



Attendees: Christine, Jayasanka, Jen Antilla, Joshua, Grace potma, sharif, pasindu Rupansinghe, Daniel, Kdaud



Quick Updates:

  • Updated QA Onboarding page: OpenMRS Quality Assurance Support Team
  • Report any issues or share recommendations:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Annual OpenMRS conference : 24th Nov - 2 Dec 2021
  • GDHF: 6th -8th Dec
    • Abstract Deadline: Friday, September 17, 2021.

Blockers when using Cypress on the 3.0 Framework

  • Set up depends on the internet where the set has to be pointed to the SPA server and loading of Cypress resources.
  • 2 Main Problems: 
    • #1 (worst): It is difficult to run test locally. So, difficult to develop tests, because:
      • takes a lot of time. E.g. 2-3 mins to load a single page. 
      • takes a lot of resources. E.g. 30MBs for a single scenario, and devs often using a data plan for internet access, or have a bandwidth limit. 
        • When the tests are run, Cypress downloads its resources every time (Cypress clearing browser cache with each scenario, and sometimes single test ("feature") has multiple scenarios). This results in it taking a long time. (2-3 year issue in Cypress communities! No option to keep the cache.)
      • This is not a problem with 2.x - if we had an isolated environment, would solve this problem. Tried hack downloading all resources and then creating an import map.  
    • #2: Random failures. Sometimes when running on GitHub Actions, the test fails randomly because resources are not getting loaded correctly. (Going to keep video recording if test fails. Thanks Pasindu!)
  • TODO: Action item: Jayasanka to create a Talk thread. If no clear path to unblock, can also share with SPA and MF slack communities (so many JS devs there who surely have wrangled similar issues w/ Cypress). 

Technical Updates:

  • Herman: Using a Windows platform. Seems QA the framework does not work well in windows.
  • Jonathan: Still on-boarding and acquitting with the QA framework.
  • Joshua: aiming at looking into security tickets,
  • Ivan: working on issues arising on the submitted ticket. Ticket working on is patient deceased.
  • Pasindu: Working on resolving 3.0 framework tests failing due to Github actions. Solution being implemented is screen recording which can be reviewed later
  • Juliet: Working with Cypress and cucumber on a test focused on adding concepts. Aiming to completely tomorrow and make a presentation on the OCL call.
  • Gracebish: Worked on a duplicate ticket.
  • Sharif:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Kdaud: Will start working on the coveralls ticket.


Attendees: Christine, Sarah Elder, Jayasanka, kdaud, Sharif, Jonathan, GraceBish, Gracepotma, Pasindu 

Regrets: Jennifer.


Quick Updates:

  • Updated QA Onboarding page: OpenMRS Quality Assurance Support Team
  • Report any issues or share recommendations:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Technical Updates

  • OpenMRS Security: 
    • Need volunteers as GSOC students are finalising their work.
    • Members currently supporting the security include  Jonathan, PATH and Sarah.
    • Sarah is a security expert who carried out research on OpenMRS Security. Methods used to identify SonarQube but did not find cross-side scripting. Other methods used included
      • Static analysis tools like SonarQube, coverity Scan(propriety software.)
      • Dynamic testing: Provided the list we currently have in spreadsheet.
      • Manual testing through exploratory testing.
    • There is a journal that has been submitted which Sarah will share with Grace and Sharif.
  • To do: Review duplicate tickets.

Review of the QA status dashboard: 


Attendees: Christine, Jayasanka, Sharif,Daniel,Irene,Juliet,Kdaud, Jonathan, Muwanga Erastus, Ivan , Joshua ,GraceP

Regrets: Jennifer


Technical Updates


  • Test coverage is now 95% form 88%.(Old Selenium tests)
  • Currently only 3 tests are pending.

Review of the QA status dashboard: 


  • The registration and search workflow is still work-in progress.
    • Challenges include selenium dependencies.
    • Recommendation shared is to run the test on bamboo in the event it is passing on a local instance to identify the challenges.
    • Sharif and Kdaud to have a look at the dependencies.
  • Reff APP 3.X: There are challenges with the github actions.
  • Upgrade QA Dashboard to provide a detailed description of the displayed status,
  • Dictionary Manager: Writing tests on adding concepts. 
    • Current blocker: Rest API fetching concepts.

xss vulnerability training video (Sharif Magembe

  • There is a complied list of XSS vulnerability issues done by GSOC students. 
  • Anyone interested to work on this can reach out to Sharif Magembe

Ownership of gaps identified in pyramid review.


Attendees: Jayasanka, Grace P, Grace N, Jen, Ivan N, Jonathan Kaweesi, Jan, Sharif, Daniel, Ian, Irene, Jan, Pasindu Rupasinghe

Regrets: Christine


  • Notes & Recordings now at
  • Technical updates from devs
    • General Framework update: Writing workflow test cases 1 (by @kdaud  
      • Hooks: A hook is a built tag in run test class, Login workflow can either have its own defined hook , workflows always have given step definitions , then a hook is used to trigger those step definitions but mostly hooks are defined in before or after ,methods
      • Tags: A tag is a way of identifying tests & add metadata to the scenario, e.g.
    • 3.x: 
      • Dockerizing issues due to connectivity, Webservices module not running, github workflow challenges. Trying to complete workflows as much as possible. 
      • User Settings workflow completed
      • Challenging to test on local b/c not loading sometimes even on local server
      • Problems: SPA envi is sometimes unstable - workflows fail because SPA doesn't get loaded. "Go offline" notification covers things up and blocks tests. Random errors where some things aren't loading. 
    • 2.x: 
    • Ticket unblocking - Ivan 
  • Finish the OpenMRS QA Pyramid & Automation Inventory (a review of what we have, vs where we have automation gaps to address, beyond frontend E2E tests)
    • Linting: ways to embed in auto git-hub 
    • XSS gap: For xss security automations, we still need some effort from devs , the only challenge we have is that some devs are still not familiar with reproducing xss vulnerabilities. Some xss vulnerabilities which would be simple to automate have been covered which is is limiting number of getting started guides ,Preparing a simple automated xss vulnerability vedio for us to get started probably next week we should be having it on the call

  • No labels