System Performance and Utilization Module

System Performance and Utilization Module


The system performance and utilization module provides information on system performance and utilization in order to monitor reliability and impact of the electronic medical record system installation.   These indicators include both low level system indicators (CPU load, memory utilization, etc.) as well as application level indicators (# logins per day per user, # of opened charts, etc.). The system indicators are mainly developed using Java Management beans API's statistics. The graphical data is rendered using the Google Charts API.

Usage of Module


The 2.0 Version of the System Performance and Utilization Module. The module usage is very simple. Just install the module and open the Administration panel to seek for module functionality which includes :-

Administration Panel

Application Indicators Option

System Indicators Option


Enable User Login in Invoke Trackers to get Login Details


1. Statistics :- Memory Usage, CPU Usage, Disk Usage and System Information

CPU Usage

Memory Usage

Disk Usage

System Information

2. Application Statistics :- Form Filled, Logged In User, Patient Counts, Encounter Counts, Report Run etc.

Graphical Stats

Tabular Stats

The 1.0 Version of the System Performance and Utilization Module. 

  1. System Monitoring Indicators

System monitoring is currently focused on gathering and presenting information on low level system indicators on Memory utilization. The v1.0.0 which is the currently available module version provides graphical information on used memory of the OpenMRS installation, based on per second view and per minute views. The per second memory usage table displays data on the used memory for the last two minutes (120s) where the per minute table provides memory usage of the last 30 minutes.

     2.  Application Monitoring Indicators

The application monitoring is introduced to monitor what usage patterns are occurring number of opened charts during a set time period, number of modified charts during a set time period, number of active log ins etc. This is currently under development and the first phase of the implementation will be available with v 1.1.0 of the module which is due on August 2014.

Google Chrome Extension


Fed up of opening the admin panel again and again for the system statistics. Don't worry about it. You can download the google chrome extension for the module from the store. Currently extension is developed for Google Chrome Browser. This will make the module usage simple and quick access to the information. 

Here you can download the Extension:-



  • Developed and tested against OpenMRS 1.10+, OpenMRS 1.11+ versions.




The following video is an overview and usage guide for the version 1.0.0 of the module.

Version 1.0.0 : 

Version 1.1.0:



From Recent development:





This module was developed by @Milinda Rukshan & @Vineet Kumar as a GSoC Project under the mentoring of @Pascal Brandt and @Jan Flowers. The module implementation information can be found in this page in the GSoC Projects section.