XReports Module Widget Properties Pane

XReports Module Widget Properties Pane

The Widget Properties Pane displays a list of properties, as listed below, for the selected widget on the design surface and allows you to edit them.


The display text or caption of the widget. This is used for widgets like Labels, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons.


Text which gets displayed when on hovers the mouse of the widget.


The width of the selected widget in pixels. You can type any numeric value.


The height of the selected widget in pixels. You can type any numeric value.


The left position of the selected widget in pixels. You can type any numeric value.


The top position of the selected widget in pixels. You can type any numeric value.

Font Family:

The name of the font to be used for the selected widget. If you want to use custom fonts, configure them using a setting named "Pdf Fonts" under the "Xreports" category. When using Advanced Settings, is named "xreports.pdf.fonts". It is a comma separated list of pairs where each pair has the font name and path separated by an equal sign as in this example: duster=/Library/Fonts/Chalkduster.ttf, Arial=/Library/Fonts/Arial Black.ttf, barcode=/Projects/Fonts/fre3of9x.ttf. In this example, the font family field can be set as: duster, Arial, or barcode.

External Source

This is used for widgets whose allowed values are not part of the form but instead come from some other place. An example is where you drop a logo field widget onto the design surface and use this external source property to set with something like: uganda_min_of_health.jpg   For this image to work, you need to first select it by choosing "Upload Image" from the "File" menu, and then browse to locate the image whose file name and extension you will set for the external source property.


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