Deploying to CI from your Computer

Deploying to CI from your Computer

  1. Prepare the omods

    1. Compile omods

    2. Prepare folders to be similar to CI setup

      cd vagrant-OpenMRS/code/
      rm -rf buildTools
      rm -rf cpm
      cp -rf configuration-master buildTools
      cp -rf openmrs-cpm cpm
      mkdir -p buildTools/omod/libs/

    3. Copy omods to folder that CI setup expects

      cp openmrs-cpm/conceptpropose/build/libs/*.omod buildTools/omod/libs/
      cp openmrs-cpm/conceptreview/build/libs/*.omod buildTools/omod/libs/

  2. Deploy!

    cd vagrant-OpenMRS/code/buildTools

    ./go node:deploy_omod[ec2-54-245-143-28.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com]

    (or whatever command is listed in Go)


The following Step #2 code could probably be replaced

rm -rf buildTools
rm -rf cpm 
cp -rf configuration-master buildTools
cp -rf openmrs-cpm cpm


ln -s configuration-master buildTools
ln -s openmrs-cpm cpm