Release Notes - Platform 2.0.0 Alpha
This version of OpenMRS Platform is a prerelease and not considered worthy for production use. Its function is to give users an idea of what to expect in the upcoming major release (Platform 2.0.0) and help discover any possible obscure new bugs.
What's New
OpenMRS Platform 2.0.0 Alpha is the first pre-release for testing, leading up to an eventual release of Platform 2.0 in early 2016.
Platform 2.0: The New Era
The Platform 2.0 release will mark a new era for OpenMRS.
Fundamentally, Platform 2.0 will be the first version of OpenMRS that truly embraces its role as a Platform: the base installation does not include a user interface, and you can only interact with it through web services. This will enable OpenMRS Platform to serve as a true back-end service, and a foundation upon which people can innovate with modern web application frameworks.
Simultaneously, we are also cleaning up our Java APIs by removing all the deprecated methods that have built up over the last decade of OpenMRS releases, and modernizing by running on Java 8, and upgrading libraries like Spring and Hibernate.
These are fundamental changes, not all of which are backwards-compatible, and we are marking the occasion by increasing the major version of the Platform for the first time in OpenMRS's history.
You can download Platform 2.0.0 Alpha to try/test it
New Features
(See below for the complete list in the change log section)
Migrated LegacyUI to the LegacyUI module.
Added support for Java 8, Spring 4.1.4, Hibernate 4.3.9
Moved Allergy API into OpenMRS core.
Removed deprecated methods from core API
What this means?
To use LegacyUI with Platform 2.0.0 Alpha, you have to install the LegacyUI module. Neither of Platform 2.0.0 Alpha Standalone, Sourceforge distro or openmrs-core github projects come bundled with it
If your module uses any deprecated API methods from OpenMRS 1.x, appropriate changes may be required to run it on Platform 2.x
If your module builds with Java 6 or Java 7 or uses Hibernate 3.x, it might be a good idea to check it's compatibility with Platform 2.x. A number of modules have already been ported to work with Platform 2.x.
A huge thanks to the 67 people that contributed code to this release: Aashna GargAkshika Wijesundara, Alexei Grigoriev, Alexis Duque, Arkadiusz Kołodziejski, Bhavana Ramasayam, Chethan A, Clifton McIntosh, Daniel Kayiwa, Darius Jazayeri, Dave Lahn, David Churcher, Filip Biedrzycki, Gaurav Narula, Geoffrey Wasilwa, Harsha Kumara, Imran Tatriev, Ivange Larry, Jakub Buczyński, Jakub Kondrat, Judy Gichoya, Julius Duic, Kishore Yekkanti, Kristopher Schmidt, MA Corrales, Manika Maheshwari, Mark Goodrich, Michael Downey, Michael Hofer, Michael Souza, Mihir Khatwani, Mikko Suniala, Nicholas Folk, nilmadab mondal, Paweł Muchowski, Priya Samuel, Radosław Puzdrowski, Rafal Korytkowski, Robert Day, Roman Zayats, Ryan Crichton, Sam Dale, Sandeep Raparthi, Sashrika Waidyarathna, Satwik Reddy, Sebastian Theis, Sergey Morozov, Sharon Varghese, Shubham Rai, sravanthi naraharisetti, Tanay Abhra, Tharunya Pati, Thilo Beckmann, Thomas Van Doren, tobias vogel, Tomasz Mueller, Ujjwal Arora, Václav Krpec, Vikash Gupta, Vinay Venu, Wesley Brown, Willa Mhawila, Wyclif Luyima, Yousef Hamza, Yuri Sintyaev, Zakaria Amine
Not to mention all the people that contributed in countless other ways to support this release and be a great part of the shaping of this release: pbiondich, mdowney,
Community Input
We welcome any user to download OpenMRS Platform 2.0.0 Alpha and try it out, give us feedback, and potentially bug reports on this release. We especially ask current users try this version out on their own database and with their custom modules.
Even if you don't have time to do any thorough testing, we'd really appreciate it if you can upgrade a copy of your database to the 2.x data model, and report on any errors than may occur in the upgrade script.
If a new bug is found, send an email to one of the mailing lists or create a new JIRA ticket (click upper right icon) Signup for an ?OpenMRS ID
We request module owners to verify their module works with Platform 2.0.0 Alpha. A number of modules have already been ported. Please follow the instructions mentioned in RA-954
We request the implementers to try out Platform 2.0.0- Alpha with the latest RefApp release in a staging environment. It would to great to know about features that are missing or need to be introduced in the upcoming releases.
We do not recommend using this in a production environment!
Download Platform 2.0.0 Alpha
Download Standalone for Platform 2.0.0 Alpha
Bundled Modules
These modules are bundled with the 2.0.0-alpha openmrs.war download. They will be started automatically.
FHIR 1.0 (currently not on
Additionally, LegacyUI Module 0.1 can be installed to use the LegacyUI
For Platform 2.0.0 alpha, we have focused largely on the following features
TRUNK-4550 Allow OpenMRS to build and run on JDK 8
TRUNK-4584 Upgrade to Sprint 4.x
TRUNK-4364 Upgrade to Hibernate 4
TRUNK-4747 Move Allergies API into the core platform
TRUNK-4772 Remove Deprecated methods
Updating layout.address.format global property
Removing dashboard.regimen.standardRegimens global property
Encrypting the users.secret_answer column
Temporarily removing foreign key constraint from person_attribute_type.edit_privilege column
Temporarily removing foreign key constraint from role_privilege.privilege column
Increasing the size of the privilege column in the privilege table
Adding foreign key constraint to person_attribute_type.edit_privilege column
Increasing the size of the privilege column in the role_privilege table
Adding foreign key constraint to role_privilege.privilege column
Adding foreign key on patient_identifier.patient_id column
Add changed_by column to encounter_type table
Add date_changed column to encounter_type table
Create allergy table
Create allergy_reaction table
Add allergy_status field to the patient table
Custom changeset to migrate allergies from old to new tables
Removing the active_list_problem table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list_allergy table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list_type table (active_list feature removed)
Add drug_non_coded column to drug_order table
Adding address columns (7-15) to person_address and location
Bugs (after OpenMRS Platform 1.11.5)
TRUNK-4779 Cache reflection info for calls in RequiredDataAdvice
TRUNK-4752 User password should be validated before changing it
TRUNK-4746 Default error handlers should display the appropriate error message
TRUNK-4745 UpdateFilter should not depend on InitializationFilter being initialized before it
TRUNK-4741 Corrected message_es properties file for spanish
TRUNK-4737 Remove liquibase changeset that doesn't belong
TRUNK-4731 Task throws and Exception error when stopping a related module
TRUNK-4729 EncounterType is missing changedBy and dateChanged fields
TRUNK-4725 ContextWithModuleTest inconsistent failure
TRUNK-4724 BeanCreationException during spring application context refresh should stop loading of the application
TRUNK-4721 Performance issue with version of H2 that we are using
TRUNK-4711 Clean up javadocs
TRUNK-4703 jetty-maven-plugin invalid configuration
TRUNK-4692 Performance improvement in LocationService getLocationsHavingAllTags
TRUNK-4691 Concept and ConceptService.saveConcept should automatically set the value of "is_set"
TRUNK-4690 Orders.orderer column cannot be set to NOT NULL until after user to provider migration occurs
TRUNK-4687 NonUniqueObjectException when modifying a concept
TRUNK-4683 TRUNK-4630 fix still have issue
TRUNK-4675 Italian Create Patient Label displayed in English
TRUNK-4672 Correctness - int value cast to float and then passed to Math.round
TRUNK-4669 Blank Concept Information Page
TRUNK-4660 Administration page does not display
TRUNK-4658 Correctness - Possible null pointer dereference in method on exception path
TRUNK-4657 Method may fail to clean up stream or resource on checked exception
TRUNK-4654 Performance - Method invokes inefficient Number constructor; use static valueOf instead
TRUNK-4653 Dodgy - Dead store to local variable
TRUNK-4652 Correctness - Method call passes null for nonnull parameter
TRUNK-4650 Multithreaded correctness - Static DateFormat
TRUNK-4646 Support compressed requests
TRUNK-4645 and should not be called directly
TRUNK-4644 Correctness - Possible null pointer dereference
TRUNK-4643 Performance - Method concatenates strings using + in a loop
TRUNK-4640 Throwable.printStackTrace(...) should never be called
TRUNK-4635 Cancel button doesn't allow to exit Creating New Concept Page
TRUNK-4634 Dodgy - Write to static field from instance method
TRUNK-4633 Correctness - Invocation of toString on an array
TRUNK-4632 Dodgy - Redundant nullcheck of value known to be non-null
TRUNK-4630 System default locale not in allowed_locales, causes AdminService error
TRUNK-4627 Use StringUtils.isEmpty(stringObject) instead of (stringObject == null || stringObject.equals(""))
TRUNK-4622 Correct surefire exclude test
TRUNK-4618 Fix class loading performance issues
TRUNK-4617 patient_identifier.patient_id is missing foreign key to patient
TRUNK-4615 Bad practice - Method may fail to close database resource
TRUNK-4614 Multithreaded correctness - Call to static DateFormat
TRUNK-4613 Eliminate critical issues reported by Sonar
TRUNK-4612 Correctness - Call to equals() comparing different types
TRUNK-4611 Multithreaded correctness - Incorrect lazy initialization of static field
TRUNK-4605 OrderEntryIntegrationTest fails due to timing of discontinued order
TRUNK-4603 Exception when running SchedulerFormControllerTest under Java 8 (onSubmit_shouldNotRescheduleATaskThatIsNotCurrentlyScheduled) TRUNK-4597 Exception when running WebModuleUtilTest under Java 8
TRUNK-4596 Exception when running PortletTagTest under java 8
TRUNK-4595 Exception When Running ExtensionUtilTest under Java 8
TRUNK-4594 DownloadDictionaryServletTest Fails under Java 8
TRUNK-4593 DownloadDictionaryServletTest Fails under Java 8
TRUNK-4592 PatientDashboardGraphControllerTest Fails under Java 8
TRUNK-4590 Exception when Executing Test with Java 8
TRUNK-4587 Warning During Compilation - HttpClient
TRUNK-4586 Warning During Compilation - KeepAliveCache
TRUNK-4582 Adding a coded answer to the concept causes ConstraintViolationException
TRUNK-4580 When revising an order, the previous order should be stopped an instant before the new one starts
TRUNK-4576 Concept Dictionary CSV download - looping issue causes incorrect output
TRUNK-4574 Fix Integration test failure
TRUNK-4573 Improve migration of concept name tags to types
TRUNK-4569 Calculated autoexpire date should be one second earlier
TRUNK-4561 Minor comments error in web.xml
TRUNK-4545 Fix failing tests in EncounterServiceTest
TRUNK-4542 Add new role doesn't work on branch master
TRUNK-4534 The scripts on the long patient form get broken if a patient has more than 10 identifiers
TRUNK-4531 Encounter Provider Names not shown for providers not linked to a person on patient dashboard visits tab
TRUNK-4529 Prevent voiding a Person linked to Provider(s) and/or User(s) metadata
TRUNK-4523 Person attributes are not being displayed when viewing a voided person
TRUNK-4522 If JVM is 1.8, some tests do not pass.
TRUNK-4520 Cannot add synonym to a concept and error message is not helpful
TRUNK-4514 OpenMRS does not start if JVM is 1.8
TRUNK-4509 Cannot edit concept description to empty
TRUNK-4507 Translate more messages for the hindi locale
TRUNK-4506 Heading of the admin page should use the localized message
TRUNK-4500 Use of APIException not localized (mostly)
TRUNK-4499 AddressTemplate should not display default when the changes are invalid
TRUNK-4497 Hide or disable (option of selecting) a child role instead of throwing an error
TRUNK-4495 Settings page returns 500
TRUNK-4492 Remove the tribe field from the 'patient' table
TRUNK-4482 Voided encounters shows in the current visit in patient header
TRUNK-4481 Mapping concept proposal to synonym can create duplicate concept names
TRUNK-4480 Patient search yields "No matching records found" when there are matching records
TRUNK-4473 Form Resource (Long-Text) causes error with binary file upload
TRUNK-4468 Error when viewing patient form for deleted patients
TRUNK-4466 Schema design "Find Form Elements" box should be always be visible
TRUNK-4463 dashboard.overview.showConcepts GP should either receiver spaces after/before each concept id or change the description to inform the user not to enter them
TRUNK-4462 Change failed module's name from x-version to xxx x-version
TRUNK-4459 HTML tags are shown on merge patient page
TRUNK-4458 Default locale message is in English when you select the français locale
TRUNK-4457 Make User.hasRole() case insensitive.
TRUNK-4456 Add error checking to relationship future start/end dates on patient dashboard
TRUNK-4454 Hide 'Show N entries' on the patient dashboard under encounters
TRUNK-4429 Add check that default locale is amongst allowed locales list
TRUNK-4419 Change Database1_9_7UpgradeTest to integration test
TRUNK-4418 Fix random failure of ModuleActivatorTest
TRUNK-4417 "equals(Object obj)" and "hashCode()" should be overridden in pairs
TRUNK-4416 Throwable and Error classes should not be caught
TRUNK-4406 Remove duplicate keys from message resource files
TRUNK-4380 Location parent not displayed when location widget is "tree" view
TRUNK-4354 Retired Location Attributes are shown when editing a Location or adding a new Location
TRUNK-4350 OpenmrsClassLoader may chose wrong ModuleClassLoader when one module name is a substring of another module name and there is a period in the name
TRUNK-4345 Non ASCII characters do not display correctly in spanish
TRUNK-4338 Don't show the "Add Provider" link for users that don't have the "Manage Providers" privilege
TRUNK-4337 Remove deprecated org.openmrs.reporting
TRUNK-4331 GitHub openmrs-core repo missing file
TRUNK-4328 Datepicker requires two clicks for the year menu to remain visible
TRUNK-4315 [Create Provider] Invalid validation for both empty Field and Both Filled Field
TRUNK-4313 [RelationshipType] Error due to the Empty Description
TRUNK-4307 Incomplete error message in implementation id form
TRUNK-4301 Including voided patients in openmrs 1.11.x
TRUNK-4297 [Add User] Invalid Error Message for Blank Password
TRUNK-4285 Incorrect behavior of Person.getPersonName() and getPersonAddress() for a voided Person
TRUNK-4267 AlertServiceImpl.notifySuperUsers throws exception for exceptions with short stack traces
TRUNK-4261 Error while submitting empty form in the page: "openmrs/admin/concepts/conceptReferenceTerm.form"
TRUNK-4260 Error while submitting empty form in the page: "openmrs/admin/concepts/conceptSource.form"
TRUNK-4251 Patient dashboard issue when using french locale
TRUNK-4208 Gender and Birth date should not be required for persons linked to providers or users
TRUNK-4148 Providers are no longer listed by default
TRUNK-4140 Substitute deprecated method call in HibernateContextDAO
TRUNK-4131 Coded concept broken with Most Recent Observation on dashboard
TRUNK-4109 Add method to retrieve Observations based on their accession Numbers
TRUNK-4054 Add missing version to maven-javadoc-plugin
TRUNK-3982 SchedulerUtil locks out openmrs user with false log in attempts.
TRUNK-3968 Need to have option to void Person when the person is also a patient
TRUNK-3951 NotTransactional not working correctly
TRUNK-3938 JSESSIONID should be assigned after a user has been successfully authenticated
TRUNK-3937 Stored XSS in Location Pages
TRUNK-3935 Stored XSS via Custom Form Fields
TRUNK-3912 Task does not turn off automatically when uninstalling the module associated with it
TRUNK-3888 Arden patch for ArdenServiceImpl in core api to support concept names regardless of a specific language
TRUNK-3876 HibernateSerializedObjectDAO.saveObject should set auditable fields before serializing
TRUNK-3850 Program validator is inefficient when checking for duplicates
TRUNK-3849 Move Address and Name layout support classes from web layer to api layer
TRUNK-3840 Retired concepts aren't showed as retired when listed as set members
TRUNK-3780 Searching for patient with patient name/new feature
TRUNK-3771 "Select Multi" should only be enabled for coded datatype in Edit FormField
TRUNK-3722 Add partial previous sta