Platform Release Notes 1.12.0 Beta

Platform Release Notes 1.12.0 Beta

Release Date: Sunday March 20th 2016

This version of the OpenMRS Platform is a pre-release and not considered worthy for production use. Its function is to give users an idea of what to expect in the upcoming major release (1.12.0) and help discover any possible obscure new bugs.

What's New in OpenMRS Platform 1.12.0-beta

This beta release contains the following features 

  • Support for OrderSets and OrderGroups

  • Drug name search should accept special characters

  • Retrospective stop of orders

  • Retrospective discontinuation of orders.


We are so thankful to all our contributors towards this release, Here is a list of these wonderful people 

Buddha, Daniel Kayiwa, Michael Seaton, Rafal Korytkowski, SwathiVarkala, Venkata Jaswanth, Wyclif Luyima, bholagabbar, chenjr95, dkayiwa, shruthidipali, wyclif, ys-achina

Community Input

We welcome any user to download OpenMRS 1.12.0 Beta and try it out, give us feedback, and potentially bug reports on this release. We especially ask current users to try this version out on their own database and with their custom modules.

If you are the lead developer of a module, then you should test out your module against this 1.12.0 beta, so if you need to make any changes, you can do so well before the final release.

Even if you don't have time to do any thorough testing, we'd really appreciate it if you can upgrade a copy of your database to the 1.12.0 data model, and report on any errors than may occur in the upgrade script.

If a new bug is found create a new JIRA ticket .

We do not recommend using this in a production environment!


OpenMRS Platform 1.12.0 Beta represents revision: b2a25a20606cabf9a1d363ac40b2017e08ec7911

Download OpenMRS Platform 1.12 Beta

Bundled Modules

There are no bundled modules in the release.

Changes for Module Developers

  • TRUNK-3915: Adding a changeSet that adds uuids where it doesn't exist, before adding not null constraint.

  • TRUNK-4824 Concept name tag validator not to throw duplicate validation error for the tag being validated

  • TRUNK-4810 isDatabaseStringComparisonCaseSensitive must be cached

  • TRUNK-4811 Daemon user must be cached

  • TRUNK-4826 Springloaded does not work on Windows

  • MessageSourceService.getMessage methods that take a MessageSourceResolvable should return the proper default message

Data Model Changes

# Checks that all existing free text drug order dose units and frequencies have been mapped to concepts, this will fail the upgrade process if any unmapped text is found # Checking that all orders have start_date, encounter_id and orderer columns set # Checking if there are any drugs with the dose_strength specified but no units # Checking if order_type table is already up to date or can be updated automatically # Adding unique key constraint to order_type.name column # Adding java_class_name column to order_type table # Adding parent column to order_type table # Setting java_class_name column for drug order type row # Add not-null constraint on order_type.java_class_name column # Insert order type for test orders # Making orders.start_date not nullable # Making order.encounter required # Make orders.orderer not NULLable # Renaming drug_order.prn column to drug_order.as_needed # Adding as_needed_condition column to drug_order table # Adding order_number column to orders table # Setting order numbers for existing orders # Making orders.order_number not nullable # Adding previous_order_id to orders # Adding order_action to orders and setting order_actions as NEW for existing orders # Renaming drug_order.complex to dosing_type # Making drug_order.dosing_type nullable # Converting values in drug_order.dosing_type column # Adding num_refills column to drug_order table # Create the order_frequency table # Adding dosing_instructions column to drug_order table # Adding comment_to_fulfiller column to orders table # Adding duration column to drug_order table # Adding duration_units column to drug_order table # Adding quantity_units column to drug_order table # Changing quantity column of drug_order to double # Adding route column to drug_order table # Dropping equivalent_daily_dose column from drug_order table # Adding dose_units column to drug_order table # Adding foreignKey constraint on dose_units # Migrating old text units to coded dose_units in drug_order # Deleting units column # Adding frequency column to test_order table # Adding number_of_repeats column to test_order table # Rename orders.discontinued_date to date_stopped # Creating Discontinue Order for discontinued orders # Setting order.discontinued_reason to null for stopped orders # Setting orders.discontinued_reason_non_coded to null for stopped orders # Removing discontinued from orders # Dropping fk constraint on orders.discontinued_by column to users.user_id column # Removing discontinued_by from orders # Temporarily renaming drug_order.frequency column to frequency_text # Adding the frequency column to the drug_order table # Creating coded order frequencies for drug order frequencies # Migrating drug order frequencies to coded order frequencies # Dropping temporary column drug_order.frequency_text # Adding care_setting table # Adding OUTPATIENT care setting # Adding INPATIENT care setting # Add care_setting column to orders table # Set default value for orders.care_setting column for existing rows # Make care_setting column non-nullable # Add foreign key constraint # Add drug_reference_map table # Temporary dropping foreign key on orders.discontinued_reason column # Renaming orders.discontinued_reason column to order_reason # Adding back foreign key on orders.discontinued_reason column # Renaming orders.discontinued_reason_non_coded column to order_reason_non_coded # Creating provider accounts for all users who have placed orders for patients and have no associated provider accounts # Temporarily removing foreign key constraint from orders.orderer column # Converting orders.orderer to reference provider.provider_id # Adding foreign key constraint to orders.orderer column # Inserting Frequency concept class # Adding scheduled_date column to orders table # Add order_type_class_map table # Concatenate dose_strength and units to form the value for the new strength field # Add changed_by column to order_type table # Add date_changed column to order_type table

1 New Issue

Upcoming End of Release notice

OpenMRS 1.9 will reach end of life when Platform 1.12.0 is released.

As of described in Unsupported Releases (EOL), OpenMRS can only support up to three released versions at a time (the current release and then two versions back). With the release of Platform 1.12.0, support for 1.9 will no longer be provided by the core Development Team for OpenMRS 1.9.x and earlier. This announcement also serves as advance notice that support will end for OpenMRS 1.9.x, concurrent with the release of Platform 2.0.