Technical Workshop 2 8 2007 Agenda
<html><head><title></title></head><body>* Data Model changes
What is a patient? Seems like we should know this by now, eh?
Persistent synonym support
Answer set and answer class for concepts
Differentiate synonym from lookup phrase
Expanding I18N support
Modules/packages (e.g. MDR-TB functionality)
Parts of code that should be modularized
Identifier Generator
Quick Reports
Patient Groups (cohort builder, patient cohorts remain core objects)
Patient Dashboard Regimen Tab
Patient Dashboard Graphs Tab
Patient Dashboard Summary button
Patient Dashboard Exit from care button
Neal Reporting
Definitions (Dynamic Person List)
; Cohort Definition (Dynamic Person List) : rules to create a cohort (initially of persons, eventually of persons, encounters, or program episodes)
; Cohort (Saved Person List): list of persons (a realized, and persistable, list of persons...eventually persons, encounter, or program episodes)
; Token List (Column List) : list of columns with optional aggregation or time window constraints along with column names for output
; Dataset Definition (Dynamic Spreadsheet) : combination of cohort or cohort definition along with a Token List
; Dataset (Saved Spreadsheet) : a set of data (initially person per row...eventually person, encounter, or program episode per row)
Logic service (overview and discussion on optimization - how does/will it handle large amounts of data)
Documentation (merging documentation written by implementers into the wiki)
Parts of code that should be modularized
Walk-through of productivity tools (i.e. Eclipse Mylar, debugging tools) (if time permits)
Trac usage – should RG and PIH implementation tasks go into