Technical Workshop 10 18 2006 Agenda

<html><head><title></title></head><body>* Show and tell of PIH system


    • relationship widget

    • drug orders in database

    • regimens — how stored? now in webapp (should move to db)

    • batch entry

  • Show and tell of RG system

    • TODO: model order sets (or order choices) to enable order sets/menus


  • Decision Support (derived concepts) - Burke

  • Reporting - Justin

  • Synchronization (security) - Christian

  • Remote data entry

  • Patient selection and cohort building

  • Patient group

  • Regimen prescription

  • User/role level customization

  • Person/patient transform table

  • Patient-specific messages/alerts

  • Active lists

  • Lifecycle events

    • Patient enrollment

    • Patient death

  • Create conventions for naming properties (global and user)

  • i18n for data (e.g., reason for stopping drug, cause of death)

    • codify where possible


  • + patient.dead (bit)

  • encounter.encounter_type should be required

  • model order sets (or order choices) to enable order sets/menus

  • define set of graphing templates for Graphs tab of patient dashboard

  • Implement answer set and answer class

  • decide how to improve obs_group_id (see #392)

    • <tt>obs_group</tt> table vs. entering OBR concepts into <tt>obs</tt> table

  • :

    *: obs_group *: obs_group_id *: concept_id *: parent_obs_group_id *: encounter_id *: changed_by *: date_changed *: voided *: date_voided *: void_reason *: creator *: date_created

