Technical Leader for Sprint

Technical Leader for Sprint


The Technical Sprint Lead is an individual who leads sprint members from start to completion of a sprint and reports outcomes back out to the community.


  • Lead kickoff meeting (with product owner)

  • Help lead daily scrums (ensure technical issues are addressed)

  • Spend ~3 days of time pre-sprint on helping plan sprint (working with BA to get stories ready)

  • Spend ≤30% of time on tickets

  • Spend ≥50% of time on code review (i.e., facilitating team & getting code committed)

  • Spend 10% of time on overseeing progress of sprint members (i.e., managing sprint from a technical perspective)

    • Ensure devs on sprint are assigned appropriate tickets & being productive

    • Get help for devs or move them to another ticket if appropriate

    • Promoting devs to pair program on at least one ticket during the sprint

    • Ensuring blockers are addressed quickly

    • Looking at big picture and trying to prevent blockers before they occur

    • Warning PM team if sprint is not on track to meet “Must” deliverables

  • Hang in IRC

  • Ensuring that sprint outputs are reported on the dev forum and/or mailing list

  • Ensuring that a sprint retrospective happens and bringing it to dev forum (either holding on dev forum or bringing outcomes to dev forum)

The amount of time on code review vs. amount of time coding will depend on how many sprinters are working on the sprint