AMPATH Screenshots & Description (Desktop) | Content Inventory

AMPATH Screenshots & Description (Desktop) | Content Inventory




Splash Screen / Loading Screen

Image Needed


Login Screen

  • Login Box

    • Username

    • Password

  • Bottom Bar





  • Search for patient by number

  • Top Bar

    • Left hamburger menu

    • Patient Search

    • Clinic Dashboard

    • More: Lab Order Search, Data Analytics

    • User setting menu

  • Bottom Bar


Patient search results



Patient chart loading


Search for lab test




Settings Dropdown


POC Server Settings

  • Server Templates: Regular, Beta, Test

  • Current OpenMRS Server URL

  • Current ETL URL

  • FormEntry Debug Mode

User Default Settings

  • Seen on first load of day

  • Select a location

  • Select a program type

    • HIV

    • Hemato-oncology

    • Chronic Disease Management

Useful Links

Links to common ancillary material for clinicians.

Retrospective Data Entry

Feature activated when clinical data is being entered after the clinical encounter.

This feature auto-inputs the provider's name and date of appointment into the patient's records as they are retrospectively updated.

Update Forms

The user is able to see if new forms on the server are available since they last logged in.

User Feedback

Users are encouraged to provide feedback to the technical team via the in-app feedback page.

This feedback appears in real time in a Slack Channel that is daily followed by the health desk team.




Patient Registration

New patients are registered first by capturing basic demographic information.


A unique Universal ID is generated, and added to the registration.


Other Patient Identifying Numbers can be added as required.



Further demographic information is collected. Including the ability to upload a photo of a hand drawn Locator Map, or the GPS co-ordinates of the registration.


Upon successful registration the user can enrol the patient in a new program, or view the patient dashboard.



Side Navigation Bar

The clinician changes between active programs via the side navigation bar.

The items within this navigation bar are unique to the patient's actively enrolled programs. 


When a specific program is selected, the side navigation bar reflects the sub-menus required for that program.

For instance: The general patient chart navigation:


For instance, the HIV Retention Program navigation: 


Care Program Summary

When the patient chart is opened, the clinician first sees the patient care program snapshots.

This displays an overview of the care programs a patient is in, and the most recent data about each program.

Example: Patient enrolled in one program


Example: Patient enrolled in no programs

Program Manager

The program manager shows an overview of all programs a patient is actively and historically enrolled in.

Example: patient enrolled actively in one program (HIV Differentiated Care).


Example: patient enrolled in a number of active and historical programs.


Start Program

A list of eligible programs is displayed based on the clinic type the patient is in (e.g. HIV vs Chronic Disease Management vs Hemato-Oncology).


To start a new program, the program can display program enrolment questions.


Success message upon active enrolment.


Start Visit

Select Visit - The clinician is able to select that day's visit. A list of visits is proposed based on the program that patient is enrolled in, their stage of that program, and further clinical support logic. 

For instance, a female patient will be offered different visit types and forms potentially than a male. As a paediatric patient vs an adult.


Example A: patient enrolled in one care program (HIV Differentiated Care Program) to select from.

Example B: patient enrolled in many care programs to select from. 


Select Form

The forms available on a follow up appointment, are different than those available the first time a patient is enrolled in a program. 



Encounter Form

An encounter form can has multiple pages and sections. The user moves through these linearly, or can jump between them as required. Forms include decision support logic that is build into the form, as well as carry forward data. 

Form Example A:


Form Example B:

Patient Information

Overview of demographic patient information.


Visit & Encounter History

Overview of the clinical visits of a patient.


Overview of the clinical encounters (forms) completed for a patient.


Summary view of an individual historical form


Patient Vitals

Patient's vitals collected at each visit are trended historically.

HIV Summary

Each program may have dedicated summary pages. This HIV Summary shows key information the clinician requires.

A summary of the HIV medications changed for a patient

A PDF summary of a patient's care. Helpful when transferred out of AMPATH or when hospitalized.

Summary of past visits


Monthly Status History

Status of HIV visits and the patient's care status at each visit.


Lab Orders

A patient's lab orders. Including the order status and ability to print patient ID sticker. 


Lab Data Summary

Lab data is entered into the system either automatically from the lab machines, or manually by human entry into digital data collection forms.

This data can be viewed as sorted by date or by lab test.


Clinical Note Summary

A summary of the form competed on each visit is displayed in historical sequence.


Imaging Summary

Images acquired by the mobile diagnostic truck are available to be viewed directly within AMRS and with their reports.


Gene Xpert Images

Gene Xpert reports are available as a full copy of the image.

Group Care

View of the care groups a patient is involved in. 

Diseased Patient Banner

Diseased patient's have a different banner than alive patients.




NOTE: all numbers in these reports is strictly for illustrative purposes and are not intended to reflect actual values

Department Selection

The user can select the department they require clinic tools and reports for: HIV, Hemato-Oncology, and Chronic Disease Medicine (CDM).

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule / Appointments - The clinic daily can be filed by programs and visit types.


It shows all patients, their last appointment date, and the current visit date and visit type.


Daily Schedule / Visits / Summary - The clinic visit overview shows the number of patients registered, triaged, and seen by clinicians throughout the day


Daily Schedule / Visits / Visits - The day's appointments can be reviewed based on when the patient registered and was triaged. The table shows the timestamp for each registration and triage, as well as the total time spend waiting and to complete the appointment.


Daily Schedule / Visits / Provider Statistics - Each healthcare provider's daily statistics can be reviewed with regards to the number of patients seen, and the types of visits that were performed.


Daily Schedule / Visits / Location Statistics - A summary of the days visits and median wait times are shown.




Monthly Schedule

The monthly clinic schedule can be filtered by program and visit types. It shows how many appointments were scheduled, occurred, and those patients that missed them. Selecting any of these entities on a single day, will display a list of a patients in that category.



Clinic Overview Visualization

A report can be generated that shows the start and end date for a trend of key indicators.


Patient Care Status

An aggregate analysis of the clinics patient's care status is generated comparing multiple indicators, such as those patients who are active in care, lost to follow up, diseased, transferred out of AMPATH, HIV negative, and self disclosed their HIV status.


HIV MOH 731 Report

A government compliant report is generated for each month by the system. Available both in PDF Form, as well as a digital table. With the digital table, a user can select an cell of aggregate data and view the individual patients that are included in that aggregate number.



HIV Summary Indicators

If a pre-build report does not exist elsewhere in the clinic tools, the user can generate a unique report with any combination of HIV indicators, patient generated, age, and start and end dates.


Lab Test Orders

The clinic can review all lab tests ordered between the date filters.

Default List

Those patients who qualify as defaulters can automatically populate this list.



AMRS includes the ability to enrol and manage patients in group care programs.

Groups can be searched by group name, number, or location.

New groups is created, and a group leader selected.

Group Landing Page

Update group settings

Add patient to group


When a new patient is added to the group, if they are not already enrolled in the groups program (e.g. HIV Different Care Program, aka HIV group care program), the system streamlines this enrolment.


A group visit is started, which adds a column to the group enrolment membership for the date of the new visit.


To complete a clinic encounter, the user selects the cell representing that day's visit.


The user then completes the visit forms required for the patient.


Patients Requiring Viral Load Order

Those patients that require a repeat viral load are identified.


HIV Viremia Program Reports

A patent level report can be generated for those patient with high viral loads (Viremia). This can include: eligible patients, patients enrolled, patients due for repeat viral load at the three month mark, and patients requiring a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) assessment form.  

Surge Reports

HIV Surge Reports are available for each week.

The report can be viewed as a summarized table, that can also be printed.


Selecting a row in the report summary table, will show further details of the patients that comprise that summary data value.


Referral Tracking Patient List

Peer Navigators are able to track the status of patients that were referred to their clinic.


Each step of the peer navigator's work can be checked as they complete that assessment.

When a patient's chart is opened that was referred to clinic, the user sees a referral notification and summary.


Patient Referrals

A clinic can track the number of referrals they have received, and the status of each.















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