OpenMRS HL7 FHIR Solutions Demo Page

OpenMRS HL7 FHIR Solutions Demo Page


The OpenMRS FHIR Squad works on OpenMRS solutions, including the FHIR Module, that support the ability to exchange healthcare data in a widely-used, standards-based format, easing integration with external systems and products. Across the project, there are numerous objectives and functions that seek to accomplish this.

Current Status ACTIVE

How does this project fit in with the strategy?


Learn about support for the import and export of laboratory information via the FHIR module here.

HL7 FHIR Projects

FHIR Module Improvements - Ian Bacher  Current Status ACTIVE

Facility Registry Workflow - Piotr Mankowski Current Status ACTIVE

EMR-LIS Workflow Current Status COMPLETED

Shared Health Record Workflow Current Status COMPLETED

PLIR: Proof of Concept Current Status COMPLETED

How to Join

Weekly Meeting Information

When: Every Tuesday at 9:30pm IST | 7pm Nairobi | 6pm Cape Town | 4pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle

Where: Join Zoom from computer or mobile

Notes: FHIR Squad Notes

Other Meeting Resources

Talk: https://talk.openmrs.org/c/projects/fhir

Slack channel: #fhir and #fhir-development

GitHub: Code on Github

How to Contribute

This link to our Jira Board will allow you to pull tickets and begin making positive contributions to the project. OpenMRS ID is required for access.

Useful Resources

Somewhat similar to Background but can be oriented towards auxiliary content or miscellaneous tutorials. From the user's perspective, content here should not be mandatory for contributing, but can assist in their understanding of the project or their ability to perform different tasks.

Meet the Members

Project Leads

@Ian Bacher @Jan Flowers @Piotr Mankowski 

Product Management Support

@Grace Potma


 @Bett Kipchumba @Ian Bacher@Moses Mutesasira @CLIFF GITA

Other interested parties / experts

@Andrew Kanter for MVP CIEL Dictionary

@Burke Mamlin

@Jonathan Teich

@Jonathan Dick

Community Support

@Jennifer Antilla

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